Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

Tobie Huang Dioke (hereinafter referred to as this website) attaches great importance to your personal privacy, and please read the following details about the privacy protection policy in detail. If you are a minor, you should ask your parents (or guardians) to read and understand this policy before using this website service (hereinafter referred to as the Service).

The video content provided on this site only represents my personal experience and opinions and does not constitute any investment advice. If you operate based on this, you will be responsible for your profits and losses. Once you provide personal information to this site, you will be deemed to have accepted this policy.

In order to ensure your privacy and give you a clear understanding of how this site uses information, we would like to inform you of the following matters in accordance with Article 8 of the Personal Data Protection Act:

Categories of personal data:

C001 identifies individuals, including e-mail, applicant's name and contact number (mobile phone), etc.
C011 Personal description, such as user’s nationality, etc.
C061 Current employment status, such as affiliation/media, etc.
Personal data utilization period: until you request to stop using it or this site stops providing this service.
Personal data usage area: Your personal data will be used in Taiwan.
Personal data collection objects and methods: Your personal data will be used for identity identification, provision of this service and membership management of this website. Except for those that may involve illegality, infringement, violation of these terms of service or with my consent, this website will not Arbitrarily monitor, add, delete or modify, or provide your personal information to third parties, including sponsored advertising vendors.
Channels for exercising the rights of the parties: You can exercise the following rights to this website through the customer service mailbox: (1) inquire or request for viewing; (2) request for a copy; (3) request for addition or correction; (4) request to stop collection and processing or use; (5) Request deletion.
The impact on your rights when you choose not to provide personal information: If you fail to provide information as instructed, or lack necessary information, or provide any incorrect or outdated information, this website may not be able to provide you with complete products or services. , or is unable to respond to your questions.
You agree that under any of the following circumstances, this website may view or provide your personal information to the court, the competent authority or a third party who submits appropriate proof to claim that its rights have been infringed:
Due to laws or orders of judicial administrative agencies.
Necessary to enforce the terms of use of this website's services.
To maintain the normal operation and security of this service system.
To protect the legitimate rights and interests of other users and other third parties.

Minors’ privacy rights

This website will not collect personal information from minors under the age of thirteen (13) or as otherwise required by local laws or regulations without the consent of their parents (or guardians). This website recommends that parents (or guardians) should accompany the minor at all times when using this service. If you are a minor, please seek the consent of your parents (or guardian). You may only provide information to this site after confirming that you have obtained the consent of your parents (or guardians). Your parent (or guardian) may withdraw any consent at any time.

Third Party Links and Services

This service may provide links to other websites, or use services provided by third parties (hereinafter referred to as "third parties"). You should understand that the collection of personal information by these third parties has nothing to do with this website. You should know when to leave the Service and should carefully read and understand the privacy policy applicable to that third party.

security measures

This site adopts appropriate security measures to prevent your personal information from being stolen, tampered with, leaked or damaged, including internal inspections of data collection, storage, processing and security measures, as well as physical security measures to prevent the site from being destroyed. The system that stores your personal data has been compromised.

However, this site cannot guarantee that network security is completely intact. This website recommends that you create an account and password using a mixture of letters and numbers when using the Internet, and change your password regularly. In addition, you should always update your anti-virus software and use virus/spyware scanners.

Privacy Policy Revision

This website will modify this policy from time to time. When there are major changes to this policy, this website will announce a notice on this website or send the notice to your primary email address registered on this website.

Questions and suggestions

If you have any questions or concerns about this site's privacy policy or data processing methods, or if you would like to make a complaint or suggestion regarding possible violations of privacy laws, please contact us via our customer service phone or email.

Contact information