2020 Summer Internship Interview Experience | Microsoft/Shopee/ASML/Ogilvy/Nivea/ViewSonic, etc. (Part 1)

2020暑期實習面試心得| 微軟/蝦皮/ASML/奧美/妮維雅/ViewSonic等(上)

2020 Summer Internship Interview Experience | Microsoft/Shopee/ASML/Ogilvy/Nivea/ViewSonic, etc. (Part 1)

The 2019 summer internship interview made me realize that I was far behind everyone when I entered the business field for the first time.Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Don't be faced with opportunities and instead just make excuses saying that you are too late to prepare.So I took advantage of the remaining time to study hard, hoping to bring myself one step closer to my dream~ (If you are interested, you can click here to take a look:2019 Summer Internship Interview Experience│Cathay Bank/Eagle/ Searching C/Public Welfare Communication Foundation)

I understand that in the process of looking for an internship, the information on the Internet is valuable, so I also record the problems and experiences I encountered during interviews with various companies for reference by those who need it. However, because the article has been put aside for too long, I have not written it, and the application timetable and The question may not be very accurate, so please forgive me!

2020 Summer Internship Interview

This article will mainly introduce to you the interviews that I participated in, including Microsoft, Shopee, ASML and Azure Republic, and the next article will introduce to you those companies that have no chance to advance to the next level (including Nivea, Ogilvy, As long as there are people)Hahaha, although these companies did not advance to the next level, they still have relevant telephone interview and written test information that can be shared for your reference~

Most of the interviews revolve around resume questions, so I’m attaching my background information to make it easier for everyone to understand.
MBA from Central University, landscape design from Fu Jen Catholic University, came back to study after working for a year
1. GoSky startup internship experience, mainly responsible for content marketing and LinkedIn channel marketing 2. Self-media management-movie review blog 3. SEA Group overseas visit-Garena Team 4. GoSky chat robot business competition-best marketing plan 5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Rooting Competition in Colleges and Universities - Second place in the school 6. Freelance case experience, experience as a writer for Universal Pictures Taiwan agent, CatchPlay, etc. 7. Experience in CRM systems such as SAP Business Warehouse and Salesforce

1. Microsoft MOI internship interview


2020.04.13 Official website delivery

2020.04.22 Written review passed and received a notification

2020.04.28 Visited Wanbaohua Enterprise Management Consulting Company

2020.05.12 Received second notice

2020.05.19 Visit to Microsoft Headquarters

2020.05.20 Microsoft called and said that another group would be more suitable and invited a third interview.

2020.05.29 Three visits to Microsoft Headquarters

2020.06.08 Received thank you letter

Microsoft internship interview questions

Wanbaohua Human Resources Company Interview Questions (self-introduction in English, the rest in Chinese)

This is a group interview. About ten people enter the conference room together. They will first introduce themselves in English, and then ask questions about their resumes in Chinese.Below is a summary of the questions everyone was asked.

1. Did you encounter any difficulties during your previous internship?
2. What was the most fulfilling experience for you?
3. Who do you admire the most?
4. Compared with all the applicants, if only you could be admitted, what is your most outstanding feature?
5. The most important thing at this stage
6. If the job does not meet expectations, how will you adjust?
7. Favorite quote
8. What was the most impressive exchange experience?
9. Which one should I sign up for? Which one will I go to if I go to both?
10. On-site computer test Excel test questions: simple excel formulas such as calculating seniority through countdown days, finding gender, etc. I kind of forgot XD

Interview at Microsoft headquarters (two interviews combined: all in Chinese)

1.Introduce yourself
2. What did you do in your previous company GoSky, and where did the execution of the project come from? Can you give a specific explanation?
3. Please tell me when you are working on these projects, does the company have any budget restrictions issued to you?
4. Please introduce how the LinkedIn fan page is run, and how do you analyze the results? When to start analysis? What is the approximate age group of GoSky TA?
5. How do you communicate with other companies when taking on freelance projects?
6. Is there any possibility of renewal with the former company?
7. What is the marketing model of the former company GoSky?
8. Do you want to do marketing in the future? Why do you want to do it?
9. What do you want to accomplish at each stage of your future internship?
10. What characteristics do you think new startups have?
11. How many days a week can I work?

Microsoft internship interview experience

When I applied to Microsoft, I adopted a different application method because I met James who was an intern at Microsoft through LinkedIn. After communicating, I found out that he wanted to try working in a start-up, and I wanted to try working in a large company, so we helped each other submit resumes XD

(If you are curious about LinkedIn management, I can write more related information in the future! I love LinkedIn so much hahaha)

However, the overall Microsoft interview process made me a little tired hahaha. The main reason is that the supervisor of my delivery team thought that I was suitable for another department. When I was transferred to another department for the interview, the supervisor thought that I was more suitable for marketing (the previous department) )

I think the entire interview process experience at Microsoft is quite good, and the interviews at the company are also highly valued. The aura of the two department heads is shocking. Although it is a pity that I can't get an internship at Microsoft, I will share all the interview questions with you. Friends in need, I hope you can get the offer smoothly❤️

2. Shopee Shopping Marketing Intern Interview

(This interview is not a summer internship interview, it is an interview experience for a long-term internship later)


2020.04.18 Submission to Shopee Summer Internship Program

2020.05.13 Received summer internship thank you letter

2020.06.09 Shopee called to inquire about long-term internship intention and received a notification

2020.06.11 Interview conducted online

2020.06.16 Received formal offer

2020.06.28 On board

Shopee internship interview questions

1. How did the former company GoSky manage its LinkedIn followers?
2. What is LinkedIn’s customer profile? Can you describe it?
3. What is the conversion rate of LinkedIn articles? How do you usually write Linkedin copy?
4. Please introduce how your previous company usually conducts marketing?
5. Is it acceptable to be on camera? (required for this position)
6. If you come in, will you continue to write film reviews?
7. After talking about the work content, do you have any thoughts on this?
8. You mentioned that you like Netflix very much. Have you subscribed to Taiwan’s streaming platform? If not, why not?
9. What do you think your career will be like in the future?
10. Please give two of your strengths and weaknesses.

Shopee internship interview experience

I really wanted to join Shopee's summer intern at first, but unfortunately I didn't get the chance. But then HR called me a month later and told me that there is currently a demand for long-term interns. After seeing my resume, he wanted to invite me for an interview! Although it is not the position I want most, I still have to seize the opportunity. I think it is not a bad thing to understand the whole story of Shopee from different positions😙

The main interview questions are as above. You may be in a hurry to recruit people, so you only have one interview. I am very happy to get the offer and have the opportunity to join Shopee service. If you are interested in the future, I can share with you my experience of interning at Shopee~

3. ASML Regional Planner Intern Interview

(This interview is not a summer internship interview, it is an interview experience for a long-term internship later)


2020.05.xx Forgot when to deliver

2020.06.10 Received a call from ASML asking about the desired internship area (Linkou or Hsinchu)

2020.06.10 Received a notification from ASML

2020.06.16 Interview at ASML Hsinchu headquarters

2020.06.23 Received thank you letter

ASML internship interview questions (all in Chinese)

Because my supervisor had an impromptu meeting that day, the interview lasted less than half an hour. Because I didn’t take too many notes, there are fewer interview questions listed here~

1.Introduce yourself
2. Job introduction, do you have a certain understanding of the job?
3. Your resume mentions the SAP warehouse class. What do you usually do?
4. Why do you want to come to ASML?
5. What value do you think you can provide ASML?
6. Are you a careful person?
7.Is Excel good?
8. Is your English good? Can I communicate with foreigners?

ASML internship interview experience

ASML applied for an internship in a relatively different industry, which involved a bit of personal nostalgia, hahaha. The reason is that ASML also has a branch in Taichung, and they hope to return to Taichung as soon as possible, so they hope to understand ASML first through the internship. This company culture will make it clearer what kind of talents they need in future delivery work!

I was very surprised when I arrived at the ASML Hsinchu headquarters. I really liked the atmosphere of the place and the feeling of the internal working environment. There was less time for the interview that day and I didn’t have the opportunity to chat more with the supervisor, but I felt that the supervisor heard that I was from Taoyuan. I asked about my commuting method and time, but it seemed like I had no interest XD

It's a pity that I don't have the opportunity to join ASML this time. I will continue to work hard ><~~

Four,Azuro Republic Business Development Intern Interview


2020.04.xx Forgot when to deliver

2020.05.12 Received Azuro republic interview notice

2020.05.14 Azuro republic online (video)

2020.05.16 Azuro republic online one (voice)

No sound card

Azuro Republic internship interview questions (all in English)

1.Introduce yourself
2. What did you do in job marketing during your past internship?
3. Please explain the SEO situation of your film review blog? Are you paying attention to Google ranking?
4. Please introduce and persuade me to watch a movie review in English
5. Why do you want to join BD team?
6. Use two English adjectives to introduce yourself
7. If we have a product and want to invite bloggers to promote our brand, who would you call?
8. If there is currently a blogger who has 100,000 followers, but we don’t have the budget, how would you ask him to help us endorse and cooperate?
9. Do you have any experience communicating with foreigners?

Azuro Republic internship interview experience

Azuro Republic is looking for interns to work remotely and occasionally come into the office. This time I used LINE video voice to conduct two interviews. The first interview was for the BD supervisor, and the second interview was for the boss, and almost all of them were in English. What's more special is that their BD team includes three groups: backlinks group, keywords group, and direct sale. Because I am very interested in SEO, I applied for their BD intern.

But for me, because I rarely practiced speaking English at that time, my expressive ability was greatly limited, and I was really embarrassed~

I didn’t receive any thank you letter afterwards, but I knew that I was cheating during the interview process, so I also had a certain amount of psychological preparation hahahahahahaha

Summer interview experience summary

Although not all the above internship interviews are for summer internships, and I will talk more about summer internship experiences in the next article, butI think that in every interview, you can re-examine your situation, the blind spots in your resume, and your coping abilities.. In addition to collecting questions that will be asked for this position in every interview, you can also learn more about how to present your resume's advantages through supervisor Q&A.

⭐️Share with you what I would do during an interview⭐️

  1. Sort out what three major values your resume can provide to the company.
  2. Go to the website to search for frequently asked questions from various companies, and use their methods to explain your own experience.
  3. Understand the company culture and what their top products are
  4. After the interview, sort out all the questions you were asked that you were not prepared for and continue your next effort.

Every interview will be a rare opportunity to practice!

Today I will introduce J sample first! Wait for my next article to introduce those companies that I didn’t get the chance to interview with hahaha. By sharing information about written tests and phone interviews, everyone can get one step closer to the offer, and I can also get it together:)


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