"Plastic Surgery" Film Review - Adapted from a Korean horror comic, the ending is surprising!


"Plastic Surgery" Film Review - Adapted from a Korean horror comic, the ending is surprising!

🎬Cosmetic liquid
Secret Score: 7⃣/10
Film length: 1hr 25min

Cosmetic Liquid Plot Synopsis

The Korean horror comic series "Weird", which dominates the WEBTOON rankings, was adapted into the movie "Plastic Surgery" which took six years. Marshmallow girl Yeji has been frustrated frequently in her life because of her appearance and figure. Through a newly developed cosmetic liquid in South Korea, she transformed herself into a goddess loved by everyone. But when the cosmetic liquid began to produce side effects, her life began to completely spiral out of control...

What kind of people are suitable for plastic surgery?

👉You who don’t mind the way animation is presented
👉You can read it whether you have read the comic version or not (recommended for those who have not read the comic version)
👉You who can accept bad pictures

Does cosmetic liquid look good? No thunder movie review

I myself watch the movie first and then the comic, and I think this order is pretty good! (Although the movie only has the plastic surgery liquid from the first season, the new plastic surgery liquid is not included in the movie)

The presentation of the "Cosmetic Fluid" chapter in the "Weird" comic is relatively clear, but because it is relatively concise, many descriptions can actually be learned in more detail from the movie, and the audience can better understand how the protagonist's personality is shaped, What are the backgrounds of other supporting characters? Through the establishment of the entire world view, we can better understand the horror of "Plastic Surgery Liquid".

The plot of the movie "Plastic Surgery Liquid" gradually becomes exciting in the later stages, especially the twist in the ending is even more unexpected. After the transformation in the first half, the plot is a bit boring, but fortunately, the running time of "Cosmetic Liquid" is only 85 minutes, so the pace is not too slow. I like the soundtrack of "Cosmetic Liquid" very much. It is very precise in every tense moment, and it is even better when paired with Junji Ito's evil scenes.

Regarding the shortcomings, netizens also have the same feeling in terms of animation style, because animated movies on the table are becoming more and more sophisticated and lifelike, like the style of Your Name. However, the technical development of animation in South Korea has not yet stabilized, so it will be rough. In addition, "Plastic Surgery" is a 3D movie, which may cause some dizziness in the audience.

On the whole, I recommend friends who have not read the comics to go to the cinema and watch "Plastic Surgery". After watching the movie, come back and read the comic "Plastic Surgery", which brings out the beauty of Korea through the suspense and horror style. Plastic surgery culture is also another new experience!

— — There’s thunder below — —

As long as I look good, someone will love me?

Through "Plastic Surgery Liquid", we can learn that Koreans pay so much attention to their external image that even when they were young, Korean parents would prepare plastic surgery expenses for their children, which can be used as a gift when the children grow up and need it. Give as a gift to a child.

The plot also uses the drastically different treatment received after plastic surgery, and the perspective of the protagonist to see that the whole world is actually an era of face-based evaluation. To paraphrase a line from "Weird and Weird": You can have great abilities and a great personality, but if you don't look good, no one will care about you. (I kind of forgot, but it’s similar)

Despite this, Ye Ji, who has gained a new look, has not changed because of her appearance, but has also changed internally. Her attitude towards her parents is still very bad (I was really angry when I saw it). "Plastic Surgery Liquid" seems to want to tell the audience at the same time——Even if the appearance becomes better, if the ugly heart does not change accordingly, it is still possible to lose control.

Through the suspenseful and curious plot, we can learn about South Korea's culture of being too strict about appearance. Although it is too exaggerated, perhaps this is the most unbearable struggle in the hearts of the people involved.

Analysis of the ending of cosmetic liquid

The ending of "Cosmetic Liquid" is unexpected. I recommend friends who have never read the comic to read it to experience this unexpected ending!

The difference from the manga is that Jihoon is portrayed as a serial murderer in the movie. In the manga, it was Yeji who was the one who killed out of control. In fact, after watching the second half, I probably guessed the ending of "Plastic Surgery", but the male protagonist is actually a girl. Only by transforming into a man can he have the opportunity to get close to those beautiful and superficial girls, and then obtain their bodies. There are inevitably some bad scenes throughout the plot, as well as the various eyes on Jihoon's body, which are really uncomfortable, but I can accept it after watching Junji Ito! Ha ha

I don’t know what everyone’s evaluation of “Cosmetic Liquid” is? Leave me a message and tell me!


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