Alien Occupation - a novel film narrative technique that allows the audience to construct their own world view

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Alien Occupation - a novel film narrative technique that allows the audience to construct their own world view

🎬# secretly watches science fiction-Alien Occupation
🏆IMDB 6/10 🏆Rotten Tomatoes 46%
Secret Score: 7⃣/10

💡What kind of people are suitable to watch this movie?
👉You who want to try a more unique film narrative method
👉You want to see how to make a science fiction film at a low cost?
👉You can accept a large number of handheld shots

The background of "Alien Occupation" is set nine years after aliens invaded the earth. Chicago is under the rule of an alien regime. Although the unemployment rate has dropped and the overall economic situation is stable, can such slogans of peace, unity, and harmony really win over people's hearts... ?

A special way of telling movies - different from the past to help you peel off the cocoon

Usually people say that watching movies is about relaxing, but I wouldn’t say that you need to relax when watching "Alien Occupation". You will feel confused and even disorganized when watching it, but this also shows that "Alien Occupation" is a movie. You need to watch movies that look for details very carefully, rack your brains, and guess the entire world view on your own.

In the past, we were used to characters in movies using awkward or even unreasonable lines to explain the main context of the movie. "Alien Occupation" is not such a movie. There are no specific characters placed in each scene of the movie to tell you the current situation of the movie. There are only typing at the beginning and a quick explanation of the general background. You still have to figure out the subsequent plot by yourself.

So in the first half of the movie you will feel overwhelmed by a large amount of unintegrated information. It may feel confusing at first, but gradually you will start to get used to it and integrate what the movie may want to tell us based on your own narrative ability.

The advantage of this narrative method is that there is no main character to explain the plot. Each audience needs to observe and construct the structure of the movie on their own. Everyone's understanding of the movie may be different, but I personally think it is such a novel shooting technique. Very novel and I like it quite a lot.

The disadvantage is that his editing method is also very fast to the next link, and does not introduce much in this link. As a result, the plot in each link may not have much depth, and you need to rely on your own imagination. Or other related subtle plots depict the meaning of this link, which also results in the respective images being shallower in each role transition.

In addition, "Alien Occupation" uses a lot of handheld photography. Although the atmosphere is better created, if you are not able to accept this technique, you should first consider whether to go to the theater to watch it.

Light a Match, Ignite a war

We may often pursue the so-called "success" too much, and these are only in the short term. A real counterattack plan can never be completed in the short term. Sometimes failure is not a real failure. This incident can Providing an excellent opportunity for our final counterattack.

"Alien Occupation" describes the entire main plot from the early stage of planning to the execution of the plan to success to finally being captured by hunters sent by aliens. It may make people feel sad that after doing so much, they still can't resist the big monster. operations under the system. But at the end of the movie, every turning point is used to reveal that the failure of this plan is only part of the plan, not the real failure. The previous preparation is not useless, it is our "match", allowing us to find an excellent and least suspicious way to ignite the final battle in one fell swoop, and the war is about to begin.


"Alien Occupation" is not an ordinary science fiction movie. As far as I am concerned, it is a mystery action movie that requires thinking. If you position this movie as a science fiction movie because of its Chinese title, I believe you will find it very boring! So I think everyone's thoughts on the movie "Alien Occupation" will be very polarized. We who are used to the movie's storytelling style will feel uncomfortable, because the most important thing about "Alien Occupation" is that you play every role in the movie. Scenes and observing what everyone does, you will feel very confused when watching the movie, but you must piece together the structure of the entire story yourself, and then you will understand the context of the entire worldview, and watch it under the different worldviews created by everyone. It may look different, but doesn't this kind of movie feel quite novel?

This article is an invitation from yamMovie Film Zone. The copyright of the text is jointly owned by myself and yamMovie Film Zone. It may not be reproduced or used without permission.


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