What are the GPTs of ChatGPT? GPTs construction, actual functions and process diagram teaching are easy to understand at a glance

ChatGPT 的 GPTs 是什麼? GPTs 建置、實際功能與流程圖解教學一看就懂
What are the GPTs of ChatGPT? GPTs construction, actual functions and process diagram teaching are easy to understand at a glance

ChatGPT launched a very powerful feature last week: My GPTs. What exactly are GPTs?

To put it simply: "You only need to enter a few sentences and you can create multiple personal experts to help you do things! Whether they are program experts, columnists or English speaking mock examiners, they will all do things for you!"

For me, who can’t write programs, GPTs is a super cool feature that makes my jaw drop! So these days I am also building my own GPTs.

Today's article will introduce to you what GPTs are. I will also introduce GPTs in detail and guide you on how to create your own GPTs. Finally, I will also share with you three tips for using GPTs. Let’s keep reading!

GPTs 是什麼?

OpenAI announced three major updates at its first developer conference: a powerful new version of GPTs Turbo, GPTs, a customizable tool without writing programs, and virtual assistant Assistants API.

Today we will give an in-depth explanation of GPTs. What exactly are GPTs?

The official said: "GPTs is a customized version of ChatGPT that can meet your different purposes. You can enter instructions to create a variety of ChatGPTs and publish them to the outside world. Anyone can easily create their own GPT─ ─No need to write a program.”

As far as I understand it, it can be regarded as:"You can make assistants or experts in many different fields so that everyone can use them together in the store."

GPTs 可以做什麼?

GPTs 是什麼
GPTs 可以做什麼?

As mentioned before,You can do any use you can think of.

Whether you want to create a programmer, an economic columnist or a personal assistant, you can create it all in just a few sentences.

OpenAI currently provides 16 official GPTs, ranging from pictures, data analysis, to games. The following seems to be quite useful, right?

  • DALL·E: Convert text into pictures
  • Data Analysis: Upload files, perform data analysis and create charts
  • ChatGPT Classic: Provides the latest version of GPT-4 service without additional features
  • Game Time: Explaining the Rules of a Board Game or Poker Game
  • Negotiation Expert: Assist users in negotiations to obtain better results
  • Creative Writing Coach: Provides feedback to help improve writing skills
  • Cosmic Dream: Digital Artist
  • Technical support consultant: Provides various equipment troubleshooting services
  • Coloring Book Creator: Turn your ideas into coloring books
  • Laundry Assistant: Provides complete laundry guide, including decontamination, laundry settings, clothing classification, etc.
  • A good helper in the kitchen: providing suitable recipes based on your favorite ingredients
  • Creative Sticker Expert: Turn ideas into stickers
  • Mathematics Tutor: Tutoring Children to Learn Mathematics
  • Picture variation master: transform pictures into new works
  • Non-alcoholic bartender: Make a variety of non-alcoholic drinks using ingredients on hand
  • Gen Z Meme Mentor: Interpret Gen Z buzzwords and latest memes

I have recently started to go crazy and create my own GPTs, including a beauty writer consultant, a lawyer consultant specializing in handling cases, a friendly chef, and I also made a virtual boyfriend hahahaha. (Recently, I am also thinking about making a Werewolf GPTs, so that everyone can play Werewolf directly with voice, which seems to be quite good!)

I will explain to you in detail the actual operation and process of creating GPTs later!


Scope of use of GPTs

現在,免費的 ChatGPT 用戶也可以使用 GPTs 啦!!!(放煙火)


雖然免費用戶不能創建自己的自訂 GPT,但可以使用其他人創建的,光是這樣就已經很夠用了~

不過,付費用戶還是有個好處:訊息限制比較少。當免費用戶達到 GPT-4o 的訊息或對話上限時,系統會自動切換回 GPT-3.5。

How to use GPTs? Actual functions and processes are analyzed one by one

I have also made a lot of GPTs to play with in the past few days, and I find them all very interesting and quite intuitive and simple.
Today, I will show you what the process of creating GPTs looks like, and I will also use graphic teaching methods to help you understand it more clearly.

How to start building GPTs

打造 GPTs 的入口
Create an entrance to GPTs

When creating GPTs, the main thing is to input information for him to learn, but there are two ways to input: (but you can switch at any time)

打造 GPTs 有兩個方式:與ChatGPT對話、或自己輸入
There are two ways to create GPTs: talk to ChatGPT, or enter it yourself
  1. Create- can talk to ChatGPT: (recommended for newbies) It is recommended that novices can use Create to help build your GPTs by talking to ChatGPT.
  2. Configure- Enter it yourself:After completing the above Create, you can also switch directly to Configure to further confirm whether the description and the instructions you gave him are correct. At the same time, you can also create several conversation bubbles here. If the user does not know how to start at the beginning, these buttons can allow the user to quickly start the conversation.

    ChatGPT 開啟對話
    ChatGPT opens conversation bubbles

However, you can switch between the above two at any time. You can also create a rough GPT in Create, and then go to Configure to fine-tune related matters.

Actual functionality and process for GPTs creation

How to create

解析GPTs 的建立流程
Create process of GPTs


The operation method of Create is purely conversational, which is relatively simple.
The main thing is that he will ask you step by step and guide you on how to build your GPTs.
At the beginning, it will ask you how you want to create this GPTs, what type you want it to be, how it absorbs knowledge, and what its tone will be like, and it will even directly help you generate images using Dalle-3.

For example, he may ask you about detailed adjustments:

    1. Is the tone you want GPTs to have friendly? Still want to be professional?
    2. Do you want your GPTs to focus on sources or recent research, or do you want your GPTs to focus on SEO specifications?

Configure Operation method

GPT Configure 操作方式
GPT Configure establishment process

Configure has many cool features! It’s exciting to watch it, hahaha. Let me introduce it to you here.

  1. Change the avatar of GPTs: You can upload the photo you want, or ask DALL-E to generate it directly, and he will draw a suitable avatar according to the description of the GPTs you build. It’s pretty cute so far XD
  2. Define the name of GPTs: The name of your GPTs will appear in the chat room
  3. Description of GPTs: It will appear in the chat room to quickly let everyone know what your GPTs are capable of haha
  4. Instructions (prompt) you give to GPTs: summarize what you want this GPTs to do, such as the personality, tone of this GPTs, or what actions will be triggered by what events, etc.
  5. Chat bubble at the beginning of GPTs: As mentioned above, if you don’t know what to enter in the chat room at the beginning, just click this!
GPTs 知識庫
GPTs knowledge base

6. Knowledge base: Although ChatGPT has been updated to the information in 2023/April, sometimes we need him to know more knowledge. At this time, we can upload files for him to learn!
It doesn’t matter if it’s a PDF, picture, Excel, etc. file! But remember, please don’t upload confidential information for the time being. I’ve heard a lot of leaked news recently ~ so please pay attention.

7. Required skills: Paid users should be familiar with this. These are the functions of the paid version including Internet search, image AI generation, and code compiler.
When you want to build GPTs, you can check the functions you want your GPTs to have from here!

8. Other actions: You can add third-party APIs here to use more advanced functions. For example, you can connect to external applications to help you turn on the mood lights, or help you play a song, etc. !
Overall this is a cool thing that allows you to connect to external apps!

Three tips for using GPTs

I have only recently started playing with GPTs. From what I see now, I think it is a project worthy of development. I would also like to share three tips on using three GPTs for your reference!

  1. When building GPTs, please note confidential information: Because the current information in GPTs can be easily cracked, it is recommended not to feed confidential or signed NDA projects to GPTs as a knowledge base.
  2. Visit and use our GPTs: After you create GPTs, you can choose the permissions of this GPTs, including private, share links, or public to everyone. In the future, public GPTs will be uploaded to the GPTs Store, which feels a bit like the Apple Store! At present, the GPTs Store is not open yet, but someone has written a special tool for crawling public GPTs. You can find GPTs with this function by asking for it.https://chat.openai.com/g/g-xD0GdS69Z-gptscha-zhao
  3. Text and voice in parallel: I recently created a GPTs for IELTS speaking simulation examiners. This can be used with the voice function of the mobile version, and it is directly like a conversation with a real person, and the user experience is better! So when you create GPTs, you might as well use the voice function to play with them in parallel! (It feels like there will be a lot of virtual boyfriends and girlfriends in the future)

I also attach here some GPTs I built in the past few days. If you are interested, you can play with them and help me debug XD

  1. IELTS speaking test mock examiner:https://chat.openai.com/g/g-prZsXHIES-ielts-speaking-test-simulator-with-diverse-accents
  2. Chefs who specialize in healthy meals:https://chat.openai.com/g/g-BuQlue5QD-chef-light
  3. Virtual Boyfriend:https://chat.openai.com/g/g-lIomzWKzm-chen-wei

After today’s sharing, I hope everyone has a deeper understanding of ChatGPT’s GPTs! Today we share with you the basic concept of GPTs tool, its actual functions and how to build it. I hope this article can help everyone. If you have other questions about GPTs, you are welcome to send me an email to discuss~ Email: tobiehuang@gmail.com

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✨Tobie LinkedIn customized service✨

Tobie Huang LinkedIn 行銷服務
Tobie Huang LinkedIn Marketing Services

Tobie currently provides LinkedIn customized services, LinkedIn marketing services, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator potential customer list services, which are suitable for the following people:

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Interested friends are welcome to ask me for a quotation. Any budget or quotation can be discussed~
Either LINE or Email is accepted, and everyone is welcome to create one with me.connection

Email: tobiehuang@gmail.com


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