Crocodile Demon-2019 animal disaster movie worth watching in the cinema


Crocodile Demon-2019 animal disaster movie worth watching in the cinema

🎬Crocodile Demon
🏆IMDB 6.7/10 🏆Rotten Tomatoes 84%
Secret Score: 8⃣⃣/10

It is an animal disaster film that tells the story of the protagonist Hailey returning to Florida when a powerful hurricane hits, looking for her missing father, only to find her seriously injured.

In such a surge of floods, and faced with the continuous approach of strong storms, Hailey and her father discovered that not only these things would cause harm to them, but the most terrifying ones were even slowly swimming towards them...

1. Watch the movie "Crocodile" alone

The movie is only 87 minutes long, and the point is, you have to watch this disaster movie without caring about logic. Putting aside logic, I would think that "Crocodile Devil" is quite suitable to be watched in the cinema! When I go to the cinema, I can't use the TV screen at home to compete with the intense shock of the cinema screen!

"Crocodile" makes people feel urgent at every moment, whether it is the attack of a hurricane or the attack of a crocodile, you will follow the characters to experience the entire process of struggle, powerlessness and being eaten.

To be honest, I don’t have much enthusiasm for disaster movies, or even movies with animal protagonists, but I recommend this disaster movie to everyone for entertainment!

2. Indispensable elements in disaster movies

(one) Crocodile attack in hurricane adds insult to injury

Since I have never lived abroad, I speculated based on the data that hurricanes are actually less powerful than typhoons. However, in the movie, the tragic situation of Florida being hit by a hurricane was staged, and even the situation required the evacuation of the entire region. From the damage to the house to the limited flooding of the entire area, you can't imagine that such an impact would be accompanied by a crocodile attack.

I originally thought that a sealed disaster movie with a single scene (house) would not be particularly interesting, but something worthy of praise is that "Crocodile" shot the escape movie with a single scene very well. You will feel for the character at all possible moments of being attacked. I broke into a cold sweat, and even the entire row of chairs in the movie theater were so scared that they shook together, haha.

But what I want to complain about is that the protagonist is too powerful. All the things that happen to other people will not happen to him, such as splashing in the water and being eaten just sitting on the boat? But ignore this kind of logical problem, the atmosphere and scenes are all created very well.

(two) There are a lot of family scenes, and too many classic lines make people laugh.

A simple disaster movie would be too boring. "Crocodile" has added a family component, but I think the bonus effect of family relationships here is quite small, and there are even some parts where true love is confessed, but it makes people laugh. But there are some parts that I like. I have the opposite idea about the ending than others. I do think the ending is sudden, but I really like the scene where Hailey raises the flare and turns to look at her father, as if she is telling her story. My daughter did not get the ideal result in the competition, but in the end she won everything in this struggle. She no longer competed for a simple competition, but won for her family and herself.


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