Invading roommates - the most harmless ones are the most surprising


Invading roommates - the most harmless ones are the most surprising

🎬# secretly watch horror- Invading roommates
🏆IMDB 6.2/10 🏆Rotten Tomatoes 55%
Secret Score: 8⃣/10

💡What kind of people are suitable to watch this movie?
👉If you like watching psychopathic dramas
👉You are looking for a thriller
👉Think you are often emotionally blackmailed

🔎My thoughts are as follows (for good thunder, please see the lightning protection page)
I highly recommend that you don’t watch the trailer first and go directly to the venue to watch it. It is highly recommended to everyone who likes to watch psychological dramas. What I think is a pity is that the plot direction is very obvious and the connection may not be perfect, but I think the actors' acting skills, multiple well-placed thriller scenes and the soundtrack can cover up these small shortcomings! It’s really worth experiencing in front of the big screen!
I think the most chilling thing is that from the seemingly harmless person in the beginning to the harmless image paired with every perverted behavior in the later period, it is the most disturbing thing that makes people unable to calm down for a long time. Could it be that in reality there are people who strangle or emotionally blackmail each other under such a harmless mask? '

The reality of pathological control in the name of love

The background of the plot is set in a cold urban jungle. After Frances, who lost her mother, and Greta, whose daughter left her, meet each other, they helplessly project each other's needs on each other. Although they are complementary, the degree of projection is different. . After Frances noticed Greta's secret, she wanted to cut off the relationship immediately, but she couldn't just run away. The only reason was that she met the psychopathic and stalker Greta, who continued to project her morbid control over her daughter on every victim. Greta on the body.

This reminds me of Joe in the Sleeping Bookstore, loving that person in the way he thinks is right, but also pathologically satisfying his own inner needs! But the difference from An Mian Bookstore is that Greta needs Frances from above (mother) to below (daughter). Can it be called love? I tend to say that I want to control my "possessions". The most appropriate term is the invincible extended version of the helicopter parent! 🤣

It seems the most harmless, but the contrasting madness is even more frightening.

I think the most chilling thing about this film is that often those who seem harmless (like the seemingly ordinary widow Greta in the play), if they really go crazy, you will feel a more severe impact. They will quietly infiltrate your life at your most vulnerable and neglectful moment, watching you at every corner and every scene. If your efforts are not reciprocated, they will use the strongest method to force you to accept it. The contrast between what she did is what makes people sweat the most, right?

What I find more interesting is that The Invasive Roommate rarely brings out factors that can make the audience sympathize with Greta. Every tight shot is based on the fear of Greta, rather than the contrast caused by her tragic past. This fixed emotional routine is directly created as a purely psychopathic mother, which makes people feel even more frightened.


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