Secret Film Selection Guide- July.2019

偷偷選片指南- July.2019

Secret Film Selection Guide- July.2019

Secret film selection guide

I would like to share with you a reference guide for secretly selecting movies. I will introduce it to you today."director".
This time I would like to introduce a great director to friends who like to watch dark, death-style movie series:Tim Burton Tim Burton.
He has directed the famous Dumbo, Crazy Barber and Chocolate Adventure Factory, all of which are his works!


Tim Burton is a famous film genius director. Because he had a closed and lonely childhood, he extended his behavior of producing works that deal with these emotions.

He won a scholarship from Disney when he was studying at the California Institute of the Arts and became an animator for the company. With continuous efforts and persistence in his own style, he got his ticket to Hollywood.

His weird and fantastic style is unique in the film industry. He likes to use metaphors and symbols, coupled with his usual black humor to cover up the serious topics he really wants to talk about. You can choose from his works over the years. Here are a few examples to illustrate.

classic work

Because there are so many classic works ~ I personally selected a few that I like very much🎃

  1. Hell Bride 2005

This is my personal number one, let’s see how Tim Burton puts itDark marriagePacked with animation and dark humor into a movie suitable for adults and children to watch together.

2. Great Wisdom and Ruo Fool 2003

This is truly a tear-jerking classic that uses a unique fantasy approach to express the life course of a person. You must watch it if you have the chance!

3. Edward Scissorhands 1990

Johnny Depp has always worked closely with Tim Burton, especially in this film, which uses a fairy tale approach to satirize the darkness of reality. I also want to mention that Winona Ryder at the time was so beautiful that she couldn’t be more beautiful. 😍 😍

4. Frankenstein 2012

Using the story of Frankenstein as the basis, he created a fairy tale about resurrecting his beloved pet. What is more special is that he used an all-black and white cartoon to illustrate a serious issue between life and death.

5. Chocolate Adventure Factory 2005

This was my childhood movie as a kid! The jaw-dropping fantasy and gorgeous scenes once again made everyone swayed by Tim Burton! Very suitable for the whole family to watch together😃


I think if you like to watch fantasy movies, don’t want to watch movies that are too gory, but want to be shocked in your heart,As long as it’s a Tim Burton movie, you can watch it!

I hope you can share more with me after reading this, why do you like Tim Burton? Or what are your favorite Tim Burtons that you want to share with you?


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