3 Tips to Improve LinkedIn Resume Exposure: Sharing of Practical LinkedIn Templates

Three tips to increase the visibility of your LinkedIn resume: Sharing of actual LinkedIn templates

LinkedIn is one of the largest professional community platforms today. It not only provides a wealth of career information and resources, but is also a powerful tool for building a personal brand and displaying a professional image. In today's fierce job market, building a personal brand has become an indispensable ability, and LinkedIn resumes, as the key to displaying personal brands, are receiving more and more attention.

This article will give you an in-depth understanding of how to build an attractive LinkedIn resume to showcase your professional image and abilities. First, we will start with the basic concept of building a personal brand, further explore the importance of LinkedIn resumes for career development, and how to use it to demonstrate career goals and job search intentions. Finally, we’ll provide three tips and suggestions on how you can build a compelling LinkedIn resume that will increase your career visibility and connection opportunities.

Why build a personal brand on LinkedIn?


Reasons to build a personal brand on LinkedIn

Nowadays, more and more people are building their own personal brands on social platforms, including Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok, but have you ever thought that LinkedIn can also build your own personal brand? Compared with general social platforms, your personal brand on LinkedIn may need to be more professional, allowing others to clearly understand your professional abilities and experience. There are also many benefits to building a personal brand on LinkedIn:

You can build a unique personal brand

Not only can you improve your professional image and visibility, but you can also better demonstrate your professional capabilities and career goals. At the same time, you also need to define your professional value proposition and use it to build your personal brand. For example, if you are a UI designer, you can emphasize your creativity, innovation, and attention to the details of the UI interface. This can be done by sharing your design work on LinkedIn, writing articles about UI Trends, joining web design-related groups, and participating in online events related to your professional field, etc.

透過 LinkedIn 建立獨特的個人品牌

Build a unique personal brand through LinkedIn

Build relationships and increase influence through LinkedIn

You can build relationships with other professionals, expand your network of contacts, and increase your influence by joining numerous LinkedIn groups, participating in group discussions and comments, and sharing valuable content and professional insights. Through these methods, you can provide more contact opportunities, allow you to establish connections with headhunters or human resources, and stand out in the job search process.

The Importance of LinkedIn Resumes: A Link to Career Development

LinkedIn 履歷 在職涯發展中佔有重要的一環

LinkedIn resume plays an important part in career development

We have already mentioned why you need to build your own personal brand on LinkedIn. Let’s further discuss with you the importance of LinkedIn resume for career development!

Personal branding makes you more professional

Maintaining your personal brand will make you appear professional to potential connections, which will increase the chance that they will be willing to build a relationship with you. My idea is that if you want others to help you, you need to have equal value in return. Therefore, I will work hard to maintain my personal brand and make myself appear to have considerable professional capabilities and experience, so that the other party will think that helping me is meaningful. If there is an opportunity in the future, I can become his valuable network. This is what I have always said. In the direction of efforts!


LinkedIn maintains personal brand and improves professionalism

Build relationships with employees at your dream company

One of the things a LinkedIn resume is important for career development is building meaningful connections. Suppose you have always wanted to join a dream company. On LinkedIn, you can find employees of this company and connect with them by searching for specific keywords or by joining relevant LinkedIn groups.

For example, I am very interested in company A, and I happen to have the opportunity to interview for job B. I go to LinkedIn to find stakeholders or cooperative units related to job B, and establish contact with employees. I would be polite during the relationship building process by introducing who I am and explaining why I am interested in their company. Next, I would ask questions about the company, such as company culture, personality traits the company is looking for, and ask about their opinions and experience with the position. I usually look at the job vacancy from the perspective of the stakeholders to be more objective, so I would like to recommend my little tips to everyone!


LinkedIn invitation template: Ask stakeholders about job openings

Practical LinkedIn resume template sharing: sharing of three major techniques

In order to let everyone actually understand how LinkedIn resume works, I will share my own LinkedIn resume and introduce the three major techniques of using LinkedIn resume at the same time. Let us continue reading!

LinkedIn 履歷範本三大技巧分享

Three Tips for LinkedIn Resume Templates

Maintain personal page files

On Linkedin, your personal page is your window to showcase your professional image. So how do you create a LinkedIn personal page, and how do you attract the attention of HR, hiring managers, or companies on your personal page? Writing a concise and powerful profile on LinkedIn, demonstrating your professional abilities, work experience and achievements, and using letters of recommendation to increase your professional credibility are all important concepts!

LinkedIn personal page creation

If you want to learn how to set up a personal LinkedIn page, you can click on the article below to learn more:Start with your personal page: Five tips on how to attract talent on Linkedin

Highlight more personal skills

LinkedIn Experience and Skills Link
Skills Keywords for LinkedIn Experience

In the Skill skills area, you can add many skills you currently have, such as digital marketing, copywriting, or product management. But do you know how to highlight your personal skills?

  • Skills: Link skills to relevant work experience

When you add a skill to the Skills section, you can also link the skill to relevant work experience. For example, if I want to add a Social Media Marketing skill, I can check that I have used this skill in Shopee and GoSky. At that time, this skill will appear in Experiences and Skills on my personal page at the same time, which will highlight and emphasize the professionalism.

Build a personal resume on the LinkedIn platform

Linkedin build a resume
Linkedin build a resume

This is a resume used by LinkedIn platform by default, which outputs all your experience and skills into a shared CV. When you click on the "Build a resume" area, you can create it directly from your personal profile, and you can first select the type of job you want ex: marketing, product manager, human resource, etc.

At the same time, after you enter the type of job vacancy you want to be matched with, the build a resume page will look like this. The right column will help you analyze whether you have matching skills in your current experience for the job vacancy you want. These green ticks can then be used as job openings posted on LinkedIn to more directly compare with competing candidates. In addition, after creating this simple resume on LinkedIn, you can also directly download it as a PDF for subsequent resume submission.

Create a resume in advance on LinkedIn. LinkedIn mentioned that the format of this CV is compatible with the typical resume screening software used by human resources. At the same time, you can also use this simple creation of a CV to review whether you are qualified for your dream job. Desired skills.

LinkedIn build a resume可以檢查是否有符合職缺的關鍵字
LinkedIn build a resume can check whether there are keywords that match the job opening
There are also tips to help you write when editing your LinkedIn resume.


This time, I will use my own actual LinkedIn resume template to share with you three tips that can increase the exposure of your LinkedIn profile.
I hope it can help everyone. If you have other tips you want to share with us, please feel free to leave a message below and tell us!

Tobie LinkedIn customized services✨

LinkedIn Profile

Tobie currently provides LinkedIn Profile customization services, which are suitable for the following people:
🌹 Fresh graduates want to create a LinkedIn profile
🌹Those who don’t know how to write resumes across fields
🌹 New startups need to establish a personal brand

Interested friends are welcome to ask me for a quotation. Any budget or quotation can be discussed~
Either LINE or Email is accepted, and everyone is welcome to create one with me.connection

Email: tobiehuang@gmail.com


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