"Midnight in Paris" Film Review-Take you to explore the essence of existence


"Midnight in Paris" Film Review-Take you to explore the essence of existence

🎬Midnight in Paris
Secret Score: 7⃣/10
Film length: 1hr 40min

"Midnight in Paris" is a 2011 romantic film by director Woody Allen. The film's themes include "emotions contained in different eras", "modernism" and "existentialism". I have always liked Woody Allen's way of interpreting more serious issues with romantic comedy sketches, and at the same time using absurd black humor to bring out his values at various stages. Other works such as "Coffee Love" and "Love Point" are both It has a similar style. If you are interested, you can watch it. Let’s take a look at how "Midnight in Paris" allows us to explore the essence of our existence in a romantic comedy!


"Midnight in Paris" describes a Hollywood screenwriter Gil and his fiancée Inez traveling in Paris. After arriving in Paris, they gradually discovered that Gil and Inez's values are actually incompatible: Gil loves Paris and is restrained and full of all literary attainments. ,by"golden age plot” lingers and thinks that those past eras are the most attractive, while Inez is inseparable from the United States and its material life, worshiping and being attracted by those who love to show off knowledge.

One night, Gil accidentally traveled through time and space and came to his favorite 1920s. He met the historical figures that he admired and admired in 2010. He also met the beautiful Adriana and was irresistibly attracted to her.

During these days of traveling back and forth through time and space, Gil's inner moral struggle could not defeat his subconscious intuition. He followed Adriana hand in hand and walked through Paris at night, as if they were the only ones left in the world. However, the carriage that spans time and space appears again, taking them to Adriana's favorite time, the 1890s. However, through the gorgeous environment, Adraina was overwhelmed by her emotions and decided to stay in this era and never go back. At this time, Gil was shocked to realize that he looked so ridiculous in the eyes of others, and finally let his rationality control his sensibility. He returned to 2010 to deal with the things he should have dealt with a long time ago, and decided to stay in Paris and enjoy himself. This present life.

Traveling through time and space, I lost the essence of my existence

"Midnight in Paris" switches with a large number of scenes of Paris streets and tourist attractions at the beginning, paired with brisk music, making you feel as if you are in Paris. You can taste the romance of Paris at night, the humidity of rainy days, etc., as a "tourist" Watch the time change in Paris from past to present, from morning to night.

"Midnight in Paris" interprets a completely different Paris from the perspective of "people living in Paris", bringing to life the well-known novelist Hemingway, the surrealist painter Dali, the artist Picasso and everyone from all ages. The charming Adriana also captured how the United States and France were influenced by each other in various eras.From 1890 to 2010, they have been making insinuations from different aspects, forming situations with their own charm.

The whole story is based on "Across the ages, but forgetting the essence of one’s own existence",People in the play always think that the era they live in is very bad., those perfect stories, art and even emotions only existed in the past era, but they forgot the most important thing: "Maybe it is not perfect now, but life is so imperfect."

Just like in the play, Gil also realized thatIf you live all the "past" as the "present", you will inevitably look forward to another "past" again at some point in the future., because you are never satisfied with the "now", so what you should do is actually cherish your present life, try your best to live a wonderful life every present and make yourself slightly satisfied, that is enough.


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