Parasitic Upper Class - Established fetters can never be resolved


Parasitic Upper Class - Established fetters can never be resolved


🎬Parasite upper class
🏆IMDB 8.6/10 🏆Rotten Tomatoes 100%
Secret Score: 🔟/10

💡What kind of people are suitable to watch this movie?
👉If you like Korean movies and culture
👉You who like to see the lives of people at the bottom
👉There are erotic parts, so choose your viewing partner carefully

"Parasite" is a famous South Korean directorBong Joon Hoand national actorSong KanghaoA new collaborative work,Also recognized by the Palme d'Or at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival.

The synopsis of the plot is: Ki-taek, a family of four who are all unemployed, is idle and unwilling to work. It was not until the positive eldest son Ki-woo applied for a job as a tutor in the wealthy President Park's family with a fake diploma that the family was able to survive in an ignoble way. Seeing a glimmer of hope, they tried their best to get into the lives of the upper class in a pervasive way, but their greed made the situation gradually get out of control...

No thunder summary

I highly recommend everyone to go to the cinema and watch "Parasite". This movie can be ranked as the best movie I have seen recently!It is a movie that focuses on black humor, but while we were laughing, we were also stabbed to our skin by the sharp reality. "Classes in society have always existed." Are we living under a huge lie like this without even realizing it? "Parasite" is actually cruel to say - depending on your class, it depends on the level at which you watch the movie. It can also make us reflect on our position in real life. Do those metaphorical "smells" actually represent life? Are those "different individuals" in appearance, education, or class that we unconsciously avoid?

The unconscious uses frames to avoid different individuals - talking about social class

"Parasite" is a movie that realistically talks about social class, but I think the director reinforced an established point of view:The individual’s own background, resources behind it, and the process of one’s own efforts actually have a great impact. Selfishly, I feel that the director is not particularly biased towards one side, but the dichotomy in description makes the issue of "social class" very obvious, which is explained in the following two aspects.

(1) Moral level

You can compare two families in"Inner Morality"There is a difference in attitude. The sentence "Being kind because you are rich" can be quoted: There is no need to consider the real-life problems. All morality takes effect only after these needs are met. But the son Jiyu is the one with the most positive consciousness, but he is forced to rise and fall together under such a set background. It can also be seen that at the end of the movie, he picks up the rockery and is determined to bury his original family in this never-ending tragedy. in lies. The two families do not share the same values. Even if one of them wants to change, he is still bound. This may echo Kafka's so-called "In order to survive, individuals succumb to the group"Bar.

(2) Limited by current conditions

"Parasite" does not tell too much about the current situation caused by family background, but more about the Kim family's "present → future” without describing too much about the Jin family’s past, so that you can focus more on “what they did.” Focusing on what the Jin family did can further strengthen how they used such deception to achieve a parasitic and parasitic life under different living conditions from the Pu family. Even the heavy rain exposed the existing conditions of the two families to their true colors, and I strongly felt that the things owned and the concerns of those at the bottom and the wealthy were never the same. The movie vividly depicts those "established conditions" that limit one's own development, and being restricted by one's original family - it makes us reflect, if the role were changed to us, would there be a chance to break away from such constraints and speak for ourselves?

This article is an invitation from yamMovie Film Zone. The copyright of the text is jointly owned by myself and yamMovie Film Zone. It may not be reproduced or used without permission.


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