Is the full launch coming true? Prophetic AI launches AI dreaming instrument for lucid dreaming

全面啟動成真了?Prophetic AI 推出清醒夢的 AI 做夢儀器

Is the full launch coming true? Prophetic AI launches AI dreaming instrument for lucid dreaming

Prophetic AI recently launched "The Halo" lucid dreaming AI headset that will take you into a world where you can freely control your dreams, turning your nights into a paradise for innovation and personal growth. Are you ready to start your dream adventure?

Full launch coming soon? Are we about to take control of our dreams?

全面啟動即將成真?全面啟動成真了?Prophetic AI 推出清醒夢的 AI 做夢儀器,讓我們即將可以控制夢境
Have you seen Total Launch?

In the fully activated movie, the protagonist can control the dream. No matter whether he is walking in the heavy snow or walking on the wall, he can move freely in the dream as he pleases. How exciting!

Therefore, many people were discussing the correlation between dream manipulation and consciousness at that time.

Imagine if we could fly freely in our sleep or solve problems encountered during the day. Does this sound like a scene from the movie "Full Start"?

Now,Prophetic AI "The Halo" artificial intelligence head-mounted device was developed to make dream control no longer just a fantasy in movies.

We may actually be able to control our dreams in the near future.

Now through this "The Halo" device, you can stay awake in your dreams and control your dreams.

This got me thinking about what an innovative application this could be for learning and creativity!

You can practice piano, learn a new language, or create works of art that only exist in your imagination.

It opens up a whole new platform for learning and innovation, making our evenings even more valuable.

How does The Halo work? Uncovering the science behind lucid dream induction

The Halo如何運作?揭開清醒夢背後的科學

This device may sound like it's from the future, but it's actually based on existing science.

The Halo uses a technology called "transcranial ultrasound" to gently stimulate the brain to help us stay awake during dreams.

When you sleep with this headband-like device on, it helps you realize you're dreaming and even allows you to control your dreams as you wish.

The working principle of "The Halo" is actually very simple.

When we enter dreamland, the brain enters a special state.

At this time, "The Halo" is like a gentle awakener, sending small ultrasound waves to gently touch our prefrontal cortex - the part of the brain responsible for thinking, planning and dreaming.

It tells your brain: "Hey, it's dream time, but you can stay awake and freely control this dream!"

In this way, even in a dream, we can realize that we are dreaming and make various decisions.

"The Halo" also comes with a dedicated app.

This app helps us track the quality of our sleep and even review our dream adventures after we wake up.

It's like having a personal dream assistant, helping us understand and harness our dreams to fill our nights with endless possibilities.

Why lucid dreaming? Two major benefits of lucid dreaming


You can do whatever you want in a dream, which is great, right?

This is the possibility that lucid dreaming gives us!

But you may ask, why do we need to learn to lucid dream?
Let me tell you two major benefits of lucid dreaming, and I guarantee that you will want to try lucid dreaming after reading this!

1. Enhance creativity and problem-solving skills

Imagine that while you are in a dream, you can design your own game world or practice problems you encounter in daily life.

Lucid dreaming provides an unlimited creative space that can satisfy all kinds of imagination.

Learning to control your dreams not only enhances your creativity, but also helps you solve problems more effectively in the real world.

Wouldn’t it be surreal if you could find a solution to a math problem in your dream and apply it when you wake up! Hahaha

2. Improve self-awareness and personal growth

You may be thinking, isn’t lucid dreaming about controlling dreams?
It can actually be a powerful tool for self-exploration and dealing with anxiety.

No inspiration? Go ahead and dream!

Many artists and scientists have been inspired by their lucid dreams, so exciting right!

Are you always anxious? Go ahead and dream!

In dreams you can practice facing your fears or learn to process past trauma.

This process we deal with these issues and can wake up feeling more relaxed.

It is a way to heal the soul in a safe dream environment, allowing us to face real life healthier and more positively.

Prophetic is open for pre-order! Enter the world of full launch

Prophetic開放The Halo 預購!

Although the technology is still in its early stages, Prophetic AI has already begun testing The Halo.

They are constantly improving it to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Prophetic announced the beta version test on January 25, and within just four hours of launching the beta version, it attracted more than 400 users to register.

The Halo device is now open for pre-order, with an expected price of $2,000, plus a $100 refundable deposit.

This makes us full of expectations for the future, and even I want to pre-order a set.

Imagine that one day we can be like the characters in the movie "Full Start", freely exploring in dreams without restrictions, and dreaming as much as we want.

So next time you're lying in bed getting ready to fall asleep, think about this: What would you do if you could control your dreams? Walking on the sea? Or fly to outer space? With the advancement of technology, these dreams may soon come true!

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