Central University Next Innovation and Entrepreneurship Pilot Course-Course Experience


Central Next Innovation and Entrepreneurship Pilot Course-Course Experience

One of the presentations from class

Let me start by saying that I am not Ye Pei. When I write a lot of articles recently, I am considered to be a professional partner. Could it be that I have the soul of a business person? ? ? Ha ha

After I entered graduate school, I was always worried about whether what the school taught could be in line with what the industry wanted, so I started searching all over the place.I am interested in courses where I can gain practical experience. And I found out that the Center for Career Development at Central University offered thisNext plans innovation and entrepreneurship pilot course,It aroused my great interest and signed up to participate.

The following article will mainly be divided intoProject introduction, participation experience, summary, not only allows me to review the study of this project, but also provides reference materials for other people who want to take this course.

Project introduction

Through situation simulation and practical exercises led by industry experts, we can understand the risks of entrepreneurship and cultivate pre-entrepreneurship capabilities, and provide entrepreneurial funds so that everyone canActual experience of company operations.

The main course content is divided into the following categories:

  1. “Wanting, wanting, and being able” to start a business— Pre-startup evaluation
  2. Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship— Startup case sharing, practical workshop topic ideas
  3. New brand positioning and market selection strategies— Determine TA and competitors
  4. How to Build Investors: Startup Fundraising Briefing— Fundraising presentation structure
  5. New business model— Introduction to Business Model Chart (BMC) and tool application
  6. Set up a company— Implement various company establishment document preparations and online system login
  7. Company procedures and key points for closing, suspending, suspending—Introduction to information on the closing process of various company types
  8. Financial forecasting and preparation— Financial planning and key points at different stages of entrepreneurship
  9. Product Development & Production & Mileage Planning— Planning milestones and feasibility assessment

Participation experience

(1) Courses

This opportunity is rare, and the members participating in the course span students from business, science, engineering and other colleges. Especially those of us who major in business, we usually hear about STP and business models in class, but here we can practice how to apply them in practice! Most of the courses are held all day on Fridays and Saturdays. How to strike a balance with coursework, including midterm and final exams, is a very difficult issue. It depends on what you value most, haha (I personally go for practice>>theory, If you want to get 100 points in the school exam, don’t follow me)
It will not just be a pure class, it will be conducted in groups, there are several classes where we will conduct practical exercises with team members, including: coming up with topic ideas, thinking about business models together, making fundraising presentations together, etc.

The course is taught by industry experts who have led many startup teams. It covers brand positioning, product development, company establishment, etc. The practical content is very high and I like it very much.

One of the classes I quite like is the class on milestone planning in product development.
My team wants to build an APP. From the perspective of students, they want to make a very cool thing quickly, but the industry teacher reminds us not to make an APP right away. We need to focus on MVP (minimum viable product) first and use substitute products with basic functions. Testing the market rather than investing a lot of money at the beginning may not be useful.

There will be a competition at the end to select the top five teams, and the school will provide a 100,000 yuan subsidy from the entrepreneurial fund - allowing everyone to have funds to practice how to set up a company, operate a company, and close a company.

So our current progress:Our company has been set up!
If you are interested in the company establishment process, you can add more. The course after establishment will be completed and I will add more.
The following is our fan page, which will continue to update the current situation. Everyone is welcome to continue to follow us! Send Miss Q

The course will roughly end like this, and I will make a summary at the end.

(2) Operation

I learned a lot about startup thinking in terms of operation. Every time I discuss with industry experts or on the day of competition, I can learn a lot of things that the industry will see.It's not like the teacher will give you a great seal if your school report is perfect.(Sometimes I think that this method is not helpful for working in society, but it may cultivate little strawberries XD)

Reviewers will ask some practical questions just like Startup Pitch reviews, such as:Where did your funds come from? How much of the revenue you mentioned will be recovered? Is your profit model sufficient to support your initial expenditure?etc. It can promote everyone's thinking and how to provide answers to the reviewers in the fastest possible time using "ask for something first, then seek for the best".

Attached is what we are doing this timeBriefing on the Entrepreneurship PlatformFor your reference, it contains the main service content, execution direction and future vision of our products. Those who are interested can refer to it to see what we have learned from this plan and what is actually implemented.

In this project, we also need to learn how to coordinate with team members. Whether it is the initial concept or the work allocation in the later stage, the cultivation of soft power is also one of the abilities worth cultivating in the future.

Among them, we have marketing planning, financial planning, and product development positions. I am responsible for product development. I need to be a bridge between team members, UI designers, and APP engineers. I will definitely learn a lot about the abilities required by this position and the challenges I face. to the challenge.

Finally, I will make a summary of the operation experience and explain it together with the course summary.


No matter you are a student majoring in business, science, engineering, Chinese, etc., as long as youDo you have a passion for practical combat or an entrepreneurial spirit?, I highly recommend everyone to participate.

But time control must be done well.To find a balance between grasping and schoolwork.
But this is a matter of opinion, because the thing that I am interested in and passionate about (this project) is to achieve a value that I can accept, no matter how many times I practice it, I have to do it. So I will spend a lot of time on this project and treat it as my own work, hoping to make it my own representative work.

I heard a sentence shared by a classmate that I like very much, and I would like to share it with you:
"As long as you treat your work as your work, you will have a completely different view of it, and you will use all your heart and soul to complete it.Your work, try to do it well. "

I personally think that this opportunity provides 100,000 yuan in entrepreneurial capital, and there are also industry experts to help you have this opportunity to actually set up a company of your own.With this opportunity and resources, don’t you think it’s a pity that you still haven’t decided to do something you want to do?

Note: If you participate in this program, you can choose the position you want to learn or the position you want to challenge.Through practical exercises, you can see whether you are interested in it and decide the direction of your future career development..
EX I chose product development this time. I learned about the challenges that I may experience in the role of PM, the planning of product development time, etc.

In summary, first see if this plan can have an impact on you at this stage and be beneficial to you in the future stage, and then decide whether to participate in this plan!

If you have any questions, you can always send me an email :)
Email: tobiehuang@gmail.com


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