Steve Jobs 2015

史帝夫賈伯斯 Steve Jobs 2015

Steve Jobs 2015

— Perfect, only I can control it

Resource: IMDB

(1) Stubborn and striving for perfection

Steve Jobs has always been a legend, and my impression of him only ends there. After watching the movie, I learned more about how his personality, decisions, and even family background have profoundly affected everyone in today's technological era. .

Although it is a biographical film, the plot is as compact and exciting as a drama. In such a rapidly changing world, especially in the early days of technology, every company must develop the most cutting-edge technology and engage in the most intrigue to stand out, and Apple has Steve Jobs.

Taking the 1984 Macintosh conference, the 1988 Next conference and the 1998 iMac conference as the main timeline, each moment and mentality change from failure to revenge to success are gradually brought out. The movie uses jumping scenes and time to highlight the pressing atmosphere of 3C products in the market at that time. Even the bickering with employees made me hold my breath while watching. Every conversation can better describe why Steve Jobs and others It's different. Why is he successful? Every time he plays opposite Kate, people admire their mutual understanding and mutual respect.

After reading this, I admired Steve Jobs very much. How can he make these decisions so rationally, so confidently believe that he controls the future of the world, and he doesn’t even care if everyone hates him. His stubbornness also firmly believes that he can achieve something. Perfect, and he did it.

(2) Love with imperfections is willing to complement you

Steve Jobs may be all-powerful in the workplace, but his role as a father seems vulnerable in front of his daughter.

I resisted my daughter's existence in the early stage until I made huge compromises for her in the later stage, including delaying the press conference, and even learned to let go of my steely appearance and learn how to love others. It can only be said that family can really be the starting point and the end of everything. I think Steve Jobs also thought of the picture Lisa drew for the original Macintosh as spiritual support during the process of launching various new products. .

I think it is a pity that there are relatively few relationships and antagonistic scenes with my daughter Lisa. Most of them are about Lisa's personality and the development of things. However, I quite like the conversation on the top floor. Steve Jobs used the softest The gesture said to his daughter: "I am flawed." It seems to explain the seemingly distant distance towards her over the years, and it also allows moviegoers to be shocked by how Steve Jobs struggled to shed everything under his strong appearance. Well, even moved.

But the description of a movie that takes into account both career and family aspects is too demanding. Steve Jobs 2015 is already excellent.

I shallSteve Jobs 2015 I scored this movie an eight out of 10. I think this movie can reveal the difference between the successful Steve Jobs and mediocre us. Should we be lucky enough to be happy that we still have the sensibility of a mediocre person? Or should we think about it from another perspective? Is it possible that because of this movie, we can learn from his fanatical enthusiasm and shine in the workplace by doing what we love?


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