Non-mature women - unique charm and bold look at female sexual autonomy

非分熟女- 特有韻味大膽看女性性自主

Non-mature women - unique charm and bold look at female sexual autonomy

🎬Non-mature woman
🏆IMDB 5.6/10 🏆Rotten Tomatoes -%
Secret Score: 6⃣/10

💡What kind of people are suitable to watch this movie?
👉You who can accept art films
👉You who like to discuss women’s autonomy
👉You want to watch a erotic movie starring Ah Sa and Wu Kangren?

The story of "Unfortunate Mature Woman" tells the story of Xiao Min (Charlene Choi), who has been married for four years, and her husband A Quan (Ng Haokang) have only lived a love-free life. In the end, her husband separated from Xiao Min because he was tired of life, and Xiao Min also He returned home to live with his father and stepmother, and worked in a tea restaurant run by his father. One day, Jiahao (played by Wu Kangren), a Taiwanese from France, works as a chef in a tea restaurant. His cheerful personality is completely different from Xiao Min's cheerful personality. However, after the two get along for some time, Xiao Min's heart is gradually opened, and she becomes more and more open-minded. Try to get out of your own frame and get to know yourself again.

A bold look at the differences in sexual autonomy between the East and the West

The entire topic is roughly divided into two major directions. The first is the different values established during the growth process of the East and the West, and the second is the current gender framework of men and women. The former can tell that the two people (Jiahao and Xiaomin) have different values and views on sex due to their different growth backgrounds, but many things point to the fact that they are "all from the same origin". From Hong Kong's famous tea restaurant as the main scene, to insisting on making the signature dish "Plumb Braised Pork with Old and Young Ping An", the interaction between Xiao Min and Jiahao based on the above can be seen. The appetite shaped by the same starting point extends to different The combination of lust, sexual desire and emotions of values.

The latter is because today's social framework for men and women is still very unfriendly to women. Charlene Choi played a special case of modern women with sexual disorders very aptly, from the initial physical and psychological depression to the process of struggle in the middle to the final Determined to be oneself without fear of other people's opinions, it clearly shows the external forces that influence women in Eastern society to form these stages. I am very curious whether the performance in the director's version will have a stronger impact.

The plot is smooth, but the branch plots unfortunately cannot keep up with the ambition.

Wu Kangren told us after the screening that he thought Director Tsang Cuisan's filming style resembled a male perspective. Indeed, this kind of shooting technique is quite good, because it can understand from the eyes of women what different genders think a patriarchal society would be like, rather than From a purely male perspective, I think it would be inferior if it were the latter.

The overall plot progresses smoothly, but the director's ambition is too great, and many issues he wants to bring to the table end up in the end. For example, the gender framework issue came to an end after the final dialogue between Qian and Xiao Min. I think it is a pity that their respective branches diverge. If they can all be integrated into one branch in the end, it will be quite powerful.

By the end, it can be seen that Xiao Min regained control of her own autonomy and decided what kind of person she should be. She was no longer influenced by other men, and even adjusted to a different version of herself for them. I think this ending can really remind us that we don’t have to change our deepest selves for those romances we think are possible, and it can also allow Asian women to face their own desires from an open perspective.

As for the director's first feature-length art film, I actually think it has quite high potential, because whether it's the overall art or the touching soundtrack, the entire storytelling method is full of a The unique charm is full of lazy, sexy and slightly depressed emotions.

ˊLei-free summary

I have to say first that my acceptance of art films is not much higher than that of others. On this basis, I think "Indecent Mature" is more suitable for people who like art films. The entire topic can be roughly divided into two major directions. The first is the different values established during the growth process of the East and the West. The second is the current gender framework that has a greater impact on women than men.

Jiahao and Xiaomin have different values and views on sex due to their different growth backgrounds. However, many things point to the fact that they are "all from the same origin". The appetite shaped from the same starting point extends to the lust of different values. , sexual desire and emotion blending.

In the latter, Charlene Choi plays a special case of modern women with sexual disorders very aptly. The process from the initial physical and psychological repression to the struggle in the middle and finally the determination to be herself without fear of other people's eyes clearly demonstrates the role of women in the film. What external forces influenced Eastern society to form these stages?

The overall plot progresses very smoothly, but the ambition is too great, and many issues that are brought to the table end up in the end. For example, the issue of the female gender framework came to an end after the final dialogue between Qian and Xiao Min. I think it is a pity that the respective branches diverge and cannot be integrated into a strong branch in the end.


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