Mark's Fantasy World - an alternative documentary showcasing the unbearable trauma of life

馬克的異想世界- 另類紀錄片演出生命不可承受的創傷

Mark's Fantasy World - an alternative documentary showcasing the unbearable trauma of life

🎬Mark’s fantasy world
🏆IMDB 6.1/10 🏆Rotten Tomatoes 33%
Secret Score: 6⃣/10

💡What kind of people are suitable to watch this movie?
👉Those who want to understand what psychological trauma goes through
👉You who can endure dull plots
👉Those who are interested in puppet plots

Artist Mark was brutally beaten by five men in a hate crime in New York. Fortunately, he survived but lost all his family and memory of his life. In order to appease his traumatized soul, he created a fantasy world dominated by puppets in his backyard, using this method to get himself out of the haze...

Alternative documentary tells the story of psychological trauma

"Mark's Fantasy World" is different from previous documentaries. It uses puppets and real life to describe Mark's process of experiencing psychological trauma. We can use the plot of the puppet to cross over to reveal the real life, and piece together that Mark's "real life" is actually almost the same as the "life of the puppet", or, in other words, it isMark unconsciously projects all his feelings into the puppet show.

This kind of shooting method is quite special. I also like the special effects technique of combining virtuality with reality, which seems to be a metaphor - in the process of psychological trauma, illusions are likely to occur. Apart from those details, the main direction of the puppet show is the same as Mark Their lives were so similar that Mark could no longer tell whether it was reality or fantasy, which was why he behaved inappropriately. For example: The ridiculous show of proposing to Nicole is a complete reproduction of the fantasy of his own puppet show.

In the play, the women of Marwen Town provide spiritual sustenance for Mark and accompany him through the trauma. Every woman in the puppet show loves him. I think he just uses it to escape from saying that he is actually in real life. China needs them.

The final puppet war also gave Mark confidence, allowing him to appear in court and testify stronger, but here I can't really accept the message the director wants to give us. I think it is unlikely to recover immediately purely because of a fantasy. All behaviors resulting from trauma.

The details are perfect, but you focus too much on the protagonist and lose the overall picture.

I think "Mark's Fantasy World" is more suitable for people who can tolerate watching long-term boring drama movies, or people who have a special liking for puppet shooting.

The most important issue is: "Men's obsession with women's shoes is unacceptable to society, which is why Mark was beaten and almost died.” So at the beginning of the movie, the expression through the puppet show was quite innovative. For example, through the fun of the puppet wearing high heels, the audience gradually accepted it. You can understand how to use the puppet show to package serious topics. Many details are also quite perfect and delicate, metaphorizing Mark's mental state and living conditions.

But it is a pity that the whole movie is too boring, focusing entirely on "Mark", and the images of other characters are less distinct. Sometimes the protagonist's image is more distinct with the help of the three-dimensional images of others.

Although the ending points out that life cannot just live in a fantasy world, I think that if there is a chance, we canThen continue to interweave the puppets and real life in the performance,It’s a metaphor that there are still many uncertainties in life, might be more interesting!

This article is Communication era multimedia Invited manuscript, the copyright of the text is jointly owned by me and Chuanxun, and may not be reproduced or used without permission.


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