An Mian Bookstore YOU- Crazy love and romance eventually become double-sided swords

安眠書店 YOU- 為愛痴狂與浪漫最終淪為雙面刃

An Mian Bookstore YOU- Crazy love and romance eventually become double-sided swords

🏆IMDB 7.9/10 🏆Rotten Tomatoes 92%
Secret Score: 9⃣/10

“I am not a choice, I am the chosen one”⠀
💡What kind of people are suitable to watch this movie?
👉Those who can accept blood and sex scenes (simply put, it is not suitable for traditional family viewing)
👉You are used to using social software to investigate people you like.
👉You want to watch a thriller series with a good atmosphere?

🔎My thoughts are as follows (so shocking)

The interoperability of today's social platforms and communication software has reinterpreted the relationship between people today: you will no longer be unaware of the other person's actual life as before without the Internet. Instead, you can learn from his social network. The software observes what kind of person he is, but you still have to distinguish, is the life on those social software the other person’s real life? Or is it just hypocritical to create your own image? An Mian Bookstore YOU tells the story of the love-crazed JOE who, with the products of these technologies, uses "his inner justice" to do what he thinks is best for BECK. He thinks that he is her savior and thinks that her life needs to be controlled by others. Save yourself.

What I particularly admire is the degree to which the director rationalized what JOE did as a whole. Through his inner monologue, he described to the audience the so-called cause of every action. JOE is just a more extreme version of us. Who hasn’t constantly checked her ex’s page after a breakup to confirm her daily routine? And one day her account disappears and can never be found again. How can you continue to lie to yourself? You only decide your own life based on "constantly checking and confirming whether she is doing well". Good or bad. You never get better purely on your own.

From the above examples, we can see how the director uses our daily behaviors to portray that JOE's deviant behavior is actually reasonable and is just an extended version of us. Many of JOE's lines in the play actually touched him deeply, "If you really disappear, how can I live well without you?" "I am also a human being, and I will make mistakes." "Everything I do is for your own good." Have we not said these words to ourselves or each other? Those behaviors may have appeared in your mind for a while. ⠀

"Crazy for love" and "romantic" are like double-edged swords. Sometimes, just depending on where you stand, what you see and feel will be completely different. Your deviant behaviors were all done to give me a better future; those sacrifices you made were all because you thought I was worthy of this. You can be my prince charming or my blue beard. It's a pity that in this real universe, it is difficult for them to exist in parallel, otherwise it would be such a romantic thing.


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