Sleep Bookstore 2 movie review|It shows the real me, am I still worthy of being loved?

安眠書店2影評 |展現了真實的我,我還值得被愛嗎?

Sleep Bookstore 2 movie review|It shows the real me, am I still worthy of being loved?

Resource: IMDB

🎬An Mian Bookstore 2 YOU
🏆IMDB 7.7/10 🏆Rotten Tomatoes 90%
Secret Score: 9⃣/10

One episode is about 40 minutes | 10 episodes in total

"All I want is to love a true person and be loved by a true person."

💡What kind of people are suitable to watch this series?
👉Strongly recommended to read An Mian Bookstore 1 first
👉S2 is more bloody than S1, if you can accept this picture
👉I still don’t know how to face the real you

Film review:
Sleeping Bookstore is a psychological thriller series that describes the hero Joe, who falls in love with the heroine Beck at first sight. The hero uses social platforms to track the heroine's life and explains his love to her pathologically...

If you are interested in the first season, you can click below to read the movie review of YOU my first season in An Mian Bookstore:An Mian Bookstore YOU- Crazy love and romance eventually become double-sided swords.

However, in the second season, the male protagonist Qiao changed his name, but met another object of his love at first sight, LOVE. Can she, innocent and innocent, change his strong persistence into a better version of herself?

No thunder summary

💡My background: I have watched "Sleeping Bookstore S1", but I have not read the original work. I have a moderate acceptance level of blood and gore.

This time, An Mian Bookstore S2 is my most anticipated album in the near future. On December 26, I kept refreshing Netflix like crazy hahaha😆

Let me briefly talk about my feelings about Sleeping Bookstore S2. I think the director and production team do not want to continue the structure of S1. Their ambitions are very high - this time there are more branches, involving people at different levels. and many more different topics.

Let’s sort out the comparison with the first season:

Level of gore:S1<< S2 (It is strongly recommended not to eat it with rice)
plot intensity:S1
the complexity:S1

So overall, I recommend season 2!
But if you want to watch pure love, you will prefer S1.
Because S2 involves so many issues, not just love, but more aspects including self-improvement, addiction, etc., but if you put them all together and experience them together, I got goosebumps at the end of the series~~

To be honest, in the second season, I still can't dislike the male protagonist. I will be more or less afraid of him, but this kind of unconditional and even paranoid love is all for not hurting the other person.

You can be my prince charming or my blue beard.

So in the second season, the male protagonist Joe is in this kind of role conflict, going back and forth to find out who he is... I am often touched by his innocence and persistence, and those criminal behaviors It doesn’t seem that serious anymore. Maybe Joe is an enlarged version of us. I have given too much of myself for love.

Feelings of thunder

The love talked about in S1 of An Mian Bookstore is not real love for Joe in S2. It was not until he met Love that he discovered real love.

Her love for Beck in S1 was to hope that he would get better, help her realize her dream of writing, and find her simple self. But the love for Love in S2 is the hope that he (Joe himself) can become a good person, and everything he does hopes to cleanse his past self and make himself a person worthy of her.

However, it was only at a very late stage that he discovered that they were both equally disabled. It is not just a simple two-way relationship, but includes tolerance at all levels of friends, family and work. Regardless of the plot or the interaction between the male and female protagonists, you can completely see the difference. This kind of love is actually based onpeople with the same frequencysuperior.

Traumatized people will eventually attract traumatized people.

People of the same type will naturally be attracted to each other, lick each other's wounds, and convince each other with the values of their own universe that this is right. It was only when Joe looked at Love's behavior, facing himself like Candace said, that he realized how sick he was in the eyes of outsiders. In the end, after being locked up, Joe realized how heavy the love he felt for Beck at that time was. Finally deciding to stay with Love, perhaps as Joe mentioned in the cage, this may also be his final punishment.

The way to set him free is to pretend he still loves Love
After revealing each other's true colors, can we really love each other more as he said?
Or is it purely out of fear or trying to make up for his incomplete childhood?

The final foreshadowing has been laid to pave the way for the third season, but I personally think that the second season is about the same. Too much filming is not as good as good collection, and too many routines will only make people bored, haha.
This is how people’s appetites get bigger and bigger~XD

Come and watch it together~ Let’s discuss after reading it! ! gogogo 💌

PS: You can pay more attention to the English pronunciation in the drama. There will be many puns that make people feel more integrated into the plot ~


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