2019 Summer Internship Interview Experience│Cathay Bank/Eagle/ Searching C/Public Welfare Communication Foundation

2019暑期實習面試心得│國泰世華銀行/Eagle/ Searching C / 公益傳播基金會

2019 Summer Internship Interview Experience│Cathay Bank/Eagle/ Searching C/Public Welfare Communication Foundation

2019 Summer Internship Customized CV for each company


I just graduated fromStudying from Design to Business, I have no foundation or relevant experience at all, but in order to improve my strength and broaden my knowledge before the institute, I did my best to apply for a summer internship.

Although my interview situation was very bad (laughing), the most important thing is to record my experience after changing careers, so that I can make corrections and move forward in the future. It would be better if I could provide help to people who need it!

PS It’s too late to share my thoughts, there may be some discrepancies in some places, please be patient with me😅

Interview experience sharing

1. Cathay CIP-Cathay Bank/Digital Finance Intern

This is the first time I have been exposed to a business management interview, and I am in the financial industry. I was shocked. Hahaha. XD Then record the Cathay CIP interview in a"Totally in the wrong place"In the eyes of people, what happened is better.

(1) Timetable

2019.04.14 Go to the official website to fill in your online resume

2019.04.15 Received Cathay Life Professional Qualification Test Notice (complete the test before noon the next day)

2019.04.19 Received interview invitation letter (reply with intention to participate + return resume within three days)

2019.04.29 Interview at Cathay Pacific Bank Head Office in Taipei

2019.05.27 Received a thank you letter (but admission is said to be notified by phone earlier)

(2) Resume related

First come2019 Cathay Pacific Internship Program WebsiteRead the program description and the internship vacancy you want to apply for, then clickJoin UsLog in to your resume and fill in your resume, autobiography, experience, etc.

Basically, I think that as long as you fill it out carefully, your chances of getting the Cathay Pacific Personnel Professional Qualification Test Notice and entering the interview are quite high (I still don’t know how I entered the interview hahaha).

🌟One thing I personally think is quite considerate is that Cathay Pacific provides resume output, so basically you can carefully fill out your resume online and use this resume as a customized template for other companies.

Tips: When filling in your resume, it is recommended that you type all the answers in Word first, just in case you need it, because I had a painful experience when filling it out, and it crashed twice when I pressed submit after typing it all. So I retyped my resume of more than a few thousand words twice, hahaha, and almost had a stroke.

(3) Interview level - group interview

I am interviewing for the digital finance department of Cathay Pacific Bank, which is divided into two departments:Digital Banking Department and Customer Operations Department.

Interns applying for these two departments will be interviewed together in a group interview, which is divided into many group interviews. My situation that day was that I was in a group of 7 people. After entering the conference room, I sat in a row. Opposite me sat three-digit directors of the financial department + two human resources personnel.

The interview was a bit long, so I may have forgotten some of it, so I just sorted out a few questions that I was asked + questions that were asked by others.

  1. Everyone takes turns to introduce themselves according to the number for 1 and a half minutes, and the human resource is keeping time.
  2. How did you pass the Google Analytics exam?
  3. Can you tell us about your film review blog?
  4. Can you tell me what you learned from the competitions you participated in?
  5. What is digital marketing in your mind?
  6. Can you tell us about the process of starting your business?
  7. Any final questions?

In fact, each person is asked two questions on average, and the most important ones are questions from people with special experience (ex: people who have started a business or participated in Cathay Pacific competitions). The total interview time is not very long, about 30min~45min.

(4) Results and review

I received a thank you letter about a month after the interview, but it is said that those who are admitted will be notified by phone/email in advance.

In fact, after one round of self-introduction, you will know yourself"Coming to cause chaos" 😆 The others were all from National Fudan University and had a lot of experience in internships and competitions. At that time, I couldn’t change my habit of introducing myself first by saying that I graduated from Fudan University. I even felt the strange looks from others XD

The overall interview process was quite comfortable except that the delay was almost an hour. There is one thing that impressed me deeply and I like it very much,An interviewer asked how to improve digital marketing capabilities, and the manager was also happy to share with everyone the directions in which we can work hard and practical practices..

I also heard from my friends that the Cathay Pacific CIP program is quite good, but unfortunately I don’t have the opportunity to participate in this program. I highly recommend that everyone give it a try! This interview really opened my eyes. I saw outstanding talents who have participated in many programming competitions, participated in Cathay Digital Finance activities, and even started businesses with a turnover of millions. It is a step that allowed me to enter this business management world. Meet and baptize, get to know yourselfNeed to quickly add practical experience🔥🔥

2. Eagle App/Product Operations Intern

This is the first time I have been interviewed by a new startup, and I personally have a background in design. I really like the concept of this product, and I am also very interested in this company. I will also record my experience in the new startup interview~

(1) Timetable

2019.04.30 Send resume

2019.05.06 Received interview invitation letter

2019.05.16 Interview in Taipei

(2) Resume related

There are four questions

  1. Why do I want to join Eagle?
  2. What can my expertise bring to Eagle?
  3. To you, what is the most important core value in life?
  4. What do you think Eagle can do better?

(3) Interview level

The office is an open space. It is originally a design industry, so it has created a very comfortable environment. There is even a rabbit in the office that will come to interview with you😆

It was a one-to-one interview directly with the founder. The questions asked were quite different. Maybe I have participated in too few interviews. But overall it was quite relaxed and natural. At the beginning, the founder first introduced the use of the product to me. develop. The interview questions are roughly as follows:

  1. Self introduction
  2. What do you know about Eagle product?
  3. What do you think of Eagle's marketing strategy?
  4. Why would you want to apply for this position?
  5. Let’s talk about your film review blog. It seems to produce content, but it doesn’t feel like it’s promoting anything. Why?
  6. You said you are interested in digital marketing, have you done anything practical?
  7. Which experience (movies included) in your life have influenced you the most?
  8. There are many other in-depth and practical aspects of resume inquiries.
  9. Do you have any final questions?

The interview lasts about an hour.

(4) Results and review

I think this is the one where I gained the most from the interview so far!

Finally, I also asked some questions, such as whether there was any gap between my resume and experience and the predetermined candidate for this position. The founder was also very enthusiastic about telling me my shortcomings and the differences between me and the candidates. Even when I briefly mentioned my dream of starting a business during a casual chat, the founder clearly told me a lot about the actual interviews and operations.

Although I didn’t receive a thank you letter, after asking the founders about their concerns during the interview, I got a rough idea of what I should make up for! It was a very pleasant interview!

This allowed me to better understand that when I talk about what I am interested in during the interview, I really need to use great enthusiasm and a lot of time to practice it, and it cannot just be empty talk.
Otherwise, to the company, you have done nothing to show that you are really interested in this area; and to yourself, it is just evasive self-deception!

3. Searching C / Digital Marketing Intern

This is a Hong Kong e-commerce company that just opened an office in Taiwan last year. They seem to be looking for long-term interns, but I’ll give it a try if I get the chance😺

(1) Timetable

2019.05.06 Send resume

2019.05.09 Received interview invitation letter

2019.05.17 Interview in Taipei

(2) Resume related

There are four questions

  1. Why do you want to join SearchingC?
  2. Why are you suitable for this position?
  3. What kind of startup do you think Searching C is?
  4. TA of existing products?
  5. Where does he usually buy things like this?

(3) Interview level

The one-to-one interview with the marketing director was quite relaxing and natural overall. Here is a list of issues that struck me:

  1. Self introduction
  2. Thoughts on Searching C?
  3. Who do you think would like Searching C’s products?
  4. Thoughts on digital marketing?
  5. (The supervisor provides a Searching C product) Please figure out how to promote it to you within 15 minutes
  6. Is it possible to cooperate in the long term?
  7. In addition to digital marketing, do you know if we have any other vacancies for interns?
  8. Any final questions you’d like to ask?

(4) Results and review

Although I haven’t received a thank you letter yet, I think it’s because I didn’t apply. Maybe my experience doesn’t meet the job requirements, but I’m very happy to have this opportunity to be interviewed by a new e-commerce company!

The most impressive thing was that it was raining heavily and I accidentally arrived at the company 15 minutes early, so I waited for the interview nearby. At that time, I heard my colleagues in the company talking about the issue of same-sex marriage. It was not an ordinary discussion, but a very serious debate with different views. From that time on, I thought, wow, if I really have the opportunity to come here, I will be here every day. This kind of communication method will definitely make you improve a lot in different aspects, right? If there is an opportunity in the future, I hope to be able to have ideological debates like this every day!

4. Public Welfare Communication Foundation/Community Editor

This charity communication foundation has a lot of overlap with what I want to do in the future. In addition to wanting to speak out through the media, I also want to use this opportunity to get to know more partners who share the same philosophy. So I was also very interested in this internship opportunity and recorded the interview process.

(1) Timetable

2019.05.20 Send resume

2019.05.20 Received interview invitation phone call

2019.05.21 Interview in Zhongli (I was scheduled the next day because I happened to have something to go to the north)

2019.05.29 Received admission notice

(2) Resume related

There are set conditions for applicants: they must be students who have been residing in Taoyuan or studying in Taoyuan colleges and universities for more than two years (inclusive), and must have an internship of 100 hours in either July or August. There are no other resume requirements.

(3) Interview level

Conduct the interview first on the dayDISC Personality Test, after finishing writing, I had an interview with the two interviewers, which was also a relatively relaxed interview. Here are the interview questions in my mind:

  1. Self introduction
  2. What does Google Analytics do?
  3. Please tell me about your movie review blog
  4. How did you work with the film distribution company?
  5. What kind of film reviews have you written on social issues? Any ideas?
  6. Are you interested in coming here to help coordinate the charity film festival?
  7. What questions would you like to ask?

(4) Results and review

This is the only offer I got this summer, hahaha, but I am really happy because it is getting closer to what I want to do in the future. I hope I can ensure that I don’t go further and further away from my dream. .

This interview was also very pleasant. My experience is just right for the social editor position of their foundation. I am looking forward to working there in July. I can also continue to record my first career-changing internship life in the future😆

Comprehensive thoughts

Based on the above interview experience, the most important insights I gained are:

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Don't be faced with opportunities and instead just make excuses saying that you are too late to prepare.

If you are interested in something (ex: digital marketing, data analysis, etc.), you really need to use great enthusiasm and a lot of time to practice it, and not just talk about it. You must do something practical, whether it is taking some online courses, setting up your own website to test traffic, or even doing unfamiliar development directly - the key point is to continue and accumulate your own abilities. The last thing to do is to wait for opportunities. door-to-door.

Although I am not very sure of my direction yet and only have a rough outline, I will continue to record and write down the mental journey of each experience. Looking back at each stage in the future, I will definitely be able to focus on my future dreams.


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