Not happy at work? Is work boring you? Ask yourself five questions!


Every day, we strive for success and achievement. But among the endless work and responsibilities, have you ever stopped and asked yourself: "Does my job make me happy?"

This question seems simple, but many people are unable to respond immediately. If you find yourself hesitating when answering, you may wish to read today's article!

Today I have compiled the following five questions for you. Try asking yourself. If the answers to more than half of the questions are "no", you may have to think carefully about how to find your true passion.

Are you using your strengths?


You can think about it, does this job use your strengths or potential?

Like myself, my advantage is that I like to come up with ideas and do creative-related things. But my past job was more project management oriented, and I felt like my creativity was dead and unused.

I seem to be doing things every day that don’t give me a sense of accomplishment.

If you are like me, you can start looking for opportunities to combine creativity and project management, discuss the possibility of more projects with your supervisor, and discuss whether there is an opportunity to combine your past experience and your strengths in new projects. , which allows you to take full advantage of it.

If you really don't find an opportunity, you may want to consider changing work fields, seeking a change in position, or re-evaluating your job.

Take me as an example. I am very lucky that my supervisor gave me the opportunity. I discussed with my supervisor that my advantage is that it is easier to think outside the framework and I like to think of new ideas. These are my advantages and I am more Easily generate value.

At that time, he also generously shared his ideas with me and added me to a new project, so I am really grateful to him. However, it was a pity that the plan was terminated because there were not enough resources.

Do I enjoy what I do at least 80% of the time?

If you feel unhappy or bored most of the time at work, you might want to think about it. It’s not just about fulfillment at work, it may also be about your mental health.

If you don't enjoy what you do most of the time, it may mean that you are not passionate about it and it's time to consider whether to find a career change.

Are the people around you someone you respect or someone you want to be like in the future?


Think about the supervisors and colleagues you see every day. Do you admire them? Do you want to be them?

Do you think you can trust them yourself?

If you are surrounded by people you respect and trust, you are more likely to treat them as role models and gain motivation and growth opportunities at work. Conversely, if you are unable to respect those around you, it may be time to find an environment that suits you better.

Do I really care about the work I’m doing?


If there’s a voice in your head that keeps saying, “I really don’t care whether the outcome is good or bad.”

This means there may be something wrong.

When you lose enthusiasm and care for your work, your work performance is likely to be affected. You have no patience or interest in these things, and you may not spend more time understanding it and optimizing it. Your inner satisfaction will also be greatly reduced.

You need to find what excites you, perhaps taking on a more challenging project, or looking for a job that better matches your values and interests!

Are you still learning or growing?


In addition to your usual work, have you noticed that you have learned or grown in this job?

In the workplace, continuous learning and growth are very important. You can check whether the company has internal education and training, or provides learning resources, fees, etc.

Although there is a lot of output in the workplace, timely input will stimulate your desire to learn, and then you can apply this knowledge more in the workplace.

But if you find that opportunities to learn and grow are lacking in your current job, it may be time to seek a new challenge.

in conclusion

I hope this article can help everyone, and I will share more career articles in the future.Please continue to follow me!

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