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ChatGPT article writing tips: How to let AI help you write great articles

Have you tried this year’s most popular ChatGPT AI chatbot? ChatGPT can not only help you write articles and code, but can also discuss philosophical issues with you in depth. Nowadays, more and more content creators use ChatGPT to help write articles. It is like having a professional assistant to help you organize your ideas, type well, and check for errors. You only need to tell ChatGPT what kind of article you want to write, and it will help you quickly generate SEO titles, article structures, and article content. Today I will experiment with how to train ChatGPT to write articles and share my experience in completing the article. Let us continue reading!

The following content is mainly produced by ChatGPT, and I will make minor corrections.
After the article, I will explain to you how I trained ChatGPT to make him a great assistant when writing articles!