ChatGPT article writing tips: How to let AI help you write great articles

ChatGPT AI聊天機器人
ChatGPT AI chatbot

Have you tried this year’s most popular ChatGPT AI chatbot? ChatGPT can not only help you write articles and code, but can also discuss philosophical issues with you in depth. Nowadays, more and more content creators use ChatGPT to help write articles. It is like having a professional assistant to help you organize your ideas, type well, and check for errors. You only need to tell ChatGPT what kind of article you want to write, and it will help you quickly generate SEO titles, article structures, and article content. Today I will experiment with how to train ChatGPT to write articles and share my experience in completing the article. Let us continue reading!

The following content is mainly produced by ChatGPT, and I will make minor corrections.
After the article, I will explain to you how I trained ChatGPT to make him a great assistant when writing articles!

Recently, more and more people are using ChatGPT. This artificial intelligence-driven chatbot can answer questions entered by users and has many powerful functions. In this article, we'll introduce ChatGPT and provide some practical tips on how to use it. Let’s experience the charm of this new AI chatbot together!

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool powered by AI technology that allows users to engage in human-like conversations with chatbots. ChatGPT can quickly answer complex questions and has many features, such as writing articles, describing art in detail, creating AI art prompts, having philosophical conversations, and even coding for you. Currently, ChatGPT is free and open to the public because it is in the research and feedback collection stage, so you can try it out if you have the opportunity.

ChatGPT AI 聊天機器人
ChatGPT AI chatbot

ChatGPT usage

Using ChatGPT is easy, just enter the question you want to ask on the website and ChatGPT will answer it immediately. You can also try chatting with ChatGPT and let it lead you through various conversations.

If you want to use advanced features of ChatGPT, such as writing articles or having philosophical conversations, you can enter specific instructions in the input box. For example, you can enter "Write an article about AI" and ChatGPT will start writing the article immediately. Alternatively, you can type "Have a philosophical conversation with me" and ChatGPT will start a philosophical discussion.

ChatGPT 實際寫code
ChatGPT can help write code!

Practical Guide to ChatGPT Article Writing

When using ChatGPT, how to apply it more accurately? There are also some useful tips to make our conversations smoother:

  • Try to use simple language: ChatGPT is powered by artificial intelligence, which may not understand advanced academic terms or professional jargon.
  • Complex questions can be divided into multiple simple questions. This will make it easier for ChatGPT to answer your questions.
  • Add context to the conversation to make it easier for ChatGPT to understand the meaning. For example, if you want to ask about AI, you can first tell ChatGPT our interest in AI and then ask questions.

ChatGPT training method

ChatGPT 訓練方式
ChatGPT training method

ChatGPT conducts training through text solitaire. You can imagine it like a relay race. Each human teacher has his own text to pass to ChatGPT, and ChatGPT needs to continue and add its own new content based on the text of the previous human teacher. In this process, ChatGPT will analyze and understand the meaning of the input text, and learn how to select appropriate text based on the context. The human teacher will be responsible for checking the content of ChatGPT's replies and giving scores.

If ChatGPT's reply score is low, reinforcement learning is used to adjust the parameters so that ChatGPT can achieve a higher score in the next round of relay competition. Through this process, ChatGPT can continuously improve itself and learn how to reply to human-preferred content.

The potential and limitations of ChatGPT

ChatGPT 潛力與限制
ChatGPT potential and limitations

Because ChatGPT's database is limited by time and can only process information before 2021, it has limited knowledge of world events that occurred in the past year. This means that if you want ChatGPT to answer your question about the latest news or events, it may not be able to answer it or answer it incorrectly.
In addition, since ChatGPT's model cannot be retrained at any time, it cannot learn new knowledge quickly. This means that if new concepts or events arise, ChatGPT may not be able to learn and answer questions quickly.

In summary, ChatGPT has extremely high potential and can quickly answer human questions and analyze text in a common way of thinking.
Its application fields are very wide, ranging from writing, programming, study preparation, and even the production of AI original content. However, its database is limited, can only process information before 2021, and cannot be retrained at any time. Therefore, if you want to use ChatGPT, you need to consider whether it meets your needs, and be aware of the occasional errors it may produce.

Can ChatGPT help me write articles? Can!

Let me tell you the secret at the end. Can ChatGPT help you write articles? Actually it is possible!
A while ago, I produced a newsletter introducing ChatGPT in a book club. I compiled a lot of information related to ChatGPT.
The above article is an article I provided with this information and asked ChatGPT to help me produce it. Unexpectedly, it looks like it was written by a real person! Hahaha!

Then let everyone actually see how I trained ChatGPT and wrote this article!

Use ChatGPT to quickly generate SEO titles

When we write articles, we will carefully select suitable keywords as the title of the article to reach the niche market.
When I already have an established theme in mind, but I also hope to have more title options based on this theme, I can ask ChatGPT to provide multiple choices.

As long as the description is clear enough, ChatGPT can help you generate multiple good article titles, such as:

  1. General article titles: Please write a few more article titles based on ChatGPT’s niche keywords.
  2. Article titles in specific directions: I mainly want to introduce "ChatGPT can help you write articles". Please add a few more article titles.


ChatGPT SEO title recommendation
ChatGPT SEO文章標題
ChatGPT SEO article title

Use ChatGPT to generate article structure

As long as you provide the content you want to present in your article, ChatGPT can also help quickly generate the article structure.
Because I have a structured structure for this article, I do not specifically use this function. For the convenience of explanation, I also attach an example for your reference.

For example, my blog article hopes to include the following four points: introducing ChatGPT, usage, AI training mode, and its potential and limitations. ChatGPT can directly help you generate the main structure and secondary structure of the article. This This is a very useful feature for people who have no idea of writing at the beginning!


用 ChatGPT 生成文章架構
Use ChatGPT to generate article structure


Refine using ChatGPT

ChatGPT can help sort out a lot of messy information, and can quickly produce an article based on your instructions.

Taking my article as an example, I first compiled a transcript of the original briefing and fed it to ChatGPT. I asked him to absorb the information below and gave instructions: write a 1,000-word Chinese blog article, and also Ask him to follow the structure of the SEO article, clearly mark the title sizes such as H1, H2, H3, etc., and match them with appropriate keywords.

ChatGPT 產出文章大綱
ChatGPT output article outline
用ChatGPT 生成文章初稿
Use ChatGPT to generate the first draft of an article

ChatGPT article writing experience sharing

Today I tested and finished writing a blog post with the help of ChatGPT. I have some thoughts to share with you~
I think that when giving instructions to ChatGPT, the author himself should have a main core point of view so that he can be more precise in subsequent operations.

Relevant thoughts are as follows:

  1. Find inspiration in the vast sea:
    This is very helpful when the author doesn’t know how to write at the beginning. ChatGPT can provide the overall structure and context of the article for our reference. When based on our existing core points, we can choose an article title or structure to make it Closer to user experience!
    (For example: The core point of my article is "ChatGPT helps me write articles." I think the title "How to let AI help you write wonderful articles" can be closer to my TA)
  2. Refine the article to be more fluent:
    Sometimes the author doesn't know how to describe it more accurately when writing an article. ChatGPT can help generate a variety of description methods for you to choose the most appropriate one. In addition, it can also suggest more reference materials to the author to make the article richer. Finally, ChatGPT can also help check the grammar and spelling errors of the article, or provide more discussion ideas for you to continue extending the article. But my experience is that there are still some errors in ChatGPT, so the author still has to check by himself to avoid erroneous information in the article.
  3. Lack of human subjectivity:
    ChatGPT can only provide objective information. Although I have tested it many times and asked him to describe it in a more interesting and approachable way, it still looks a bit weird XD
    So if your article needs to show human subjectivity or emotion, I suggest you still have to polish it through the author himself.


The above are my experience and thoughts about using ChatGPT. If you have used ChatGPT as an auxiliary tool when writing articles, you are welcome to share your thoughts with me!

Play ChatGPT here:


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