Doctor Sleep - The Shining, a continuation of the horror classic "The Shop"

安眠醫生- 延續著《鬼店》恐怖經典的閃靈

Doctor Sleep - The Shining, a continuation of the horror classic "The Shop"

Resource: IMDB

🎬Doctor Sleep
🏆IMDB 7.5/10 🏆Rotten Tomatoes 75%
Secret Score: 9⃣/10

"Only your actions can make you better."

💡What kind of people are suitable to watch this movie?
👉Even if you haven’t seen Ghost Shop, you can still watch it
👉There are certain bloody and cruel scenes in the drama, you can accept it
👉You want to watch a movie also highly recommended by the original author Stephen King?

The sequel to the film adaptation of Stephen King's classic novel "The House of Haunting", directed by Michael Flanagan, the director of "The Haunting of Hell". After the terrible experience of passing through the Panorama Hotel, Danny and his mother after escaping were constantly haunted by horrific memories and ghosts. Not only that, but there was even a group of malicious people who were looking for people like him with "The Shining" "A capable person..."

No thunder summary

💡My background: I’m afraid of watching horror movies. I’ve seen “Ghost Shop” but I haven’t read Stephen King’s original work.

Against this background, I personally like "Doctor Sleep" quite a bit.Whether you want to relive the horror of "Ghost Shop" or simply want to watch a fun movie, you can give it a chance..

The film is two and a half hours long, and I rarely feel that there are any passages in the plot that make me feel cold. Not to mention that the sound effects, camerawork, style, and easter eggs not only pay homage to "The Ghost Shop", but also make the rhythm of the entire film extremely tight. You are sweating for the protagonists. Many friends who like "Ghost Shop" are naturally looking forward to "Doctor Sleep", which is billed as the sequel to "Ghost Shop", and it does continue the eerie and heavy atmosphere of "Ghost Shop". But what everyone can pay attention to is that it is different from the horror style presented in "Ghost Shop". "Doctor Sleep" has many elements added this time.The elements of modern horror movies focus more on the supernatural part.

You can think of it this way: horror movies from back then don’t feel scary to you now.But "Doctor Sleep" uses modern techniques to continue the panic of the audience back then, allowing you to experience the classics of the year.

People who haven't watched "Ghost Shop" don't have to worry about not understanding the plot. I think "Doctor Sleep" combines the characters and plotCreated so that you don’t have to watch "Ghost Shop" to be in it, there are actually a lot of ghost shop Easter eggs hidden in it, which will make friends who like ghost shops smile.

However, as someone who has never watched horror movies, I was frightened by the superb sound effects and the clips of "Ghost Shop" in some places (but I praised them again when I reviewed them, hahaha), but everyone on the board who is used to watching ghost movies said that It’s not scary enough, so I’ll give it to friends who like horror movies as a reference😅

There is thunder below~

The actors' superb acting skills make the plot more compact and necessary

As a result, it would be too right to praise Rebecca Ferguson (playing Rose the hat) at the beginning of the following part. Hahaha ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ I was shocked by her beauty in the first half of the movie, but as the plot goes, you will Gradually I discovered her cruelty, which made me have a conflicting feeling about this character, love and hate (?)

Back to the serious part (Hey)

Actors Ewan McGregor (playing Danny), Rebecca Ferguson, the little girl Kyliegh Curran, and one of my favorite child actors, Jacob Tremblay, all showed their superb acting skills, allowing everyone to use their delicate acting skills and creativity under the director's tight plot. The interaction between each other makes this "Doctor Sleep" the icing on the cake😍

There are also many easter eggs waiting for everyone who loves "Ghost Shop" to discover!
For example, the aerial shot at the beginning of "Ghost Shop" is reproduced and the scary woman in the bathtub is interspersed from time to time (you really don't want to take a bath for too long), and Murder, who Danny wrote backwards, also appeared in "Doctor Sleep", etc. Wait, let everyone find it carefully!

Comparison between ghost shops and Doctor Sleep

I also admire director Michael Flanagan for his flawless connection between Stephen King's original work and Kubrick's "Ghost Shop". Although Stephen King said at the time that he didn't like Kubrick's interpretation, Michael Flanagan rootIt really brought out the emotional side that Stephen King thought was lacking in "The Ghost Shop" in another way in "Doctor Sleep".
(For example: Danny was shocked that he had to face his situation truly, and the conversation with his father Jack at the Panorama Hotel, etc.)

This time, "Doctor Sleep" seems to tell a brand-new story to the audience in the first half. The understanding of the characters and plot does not need to be completely based on watching "The Ghost Shop", and there are Easter eggs interspersed in it, making it more enjoyable. Old friends experience the new and can be impacted by past movie-going experiences.
The second half is a tribute to "Ghost Shop" with all the focus. It not only went to the Panorama Hotel to shoot scenes, but also recreated various storylines in the hotel back then, etc., which is endlessly memorable.

That’s why Stephen King said this:"This is an independent film, but it can also be seen as a perfect continuation of Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece."

Stephen King once said in an interview: "I have always been curious about what Danny Torrance will be like when he grows up? I think this is a very interesting story. What I want to see is a man who is at the end of his rope because life is so unpredictable. You have to hit rock bottom to get back up, and I hope to see Danny like this on the big screen."

Personal Thoughts: Regarding the Reappearance of Horror Movies

I mentioned earlier that I have watched "Ghost Shop", so my background is: I can indeed feel the heavy atmosphere created by "Ghost Shop", but I can't really feel the horror from the bottom of my heart.

Then this time in "Doctor Sleep" I can experience to some extent the horror that continued in "The Ghost Shop".Maybe it means that classic horror movies can actually be re-enacted with modern techniques, for example, we who have now developed an appetite for horror movies, watching the process of baseball No. 19 boy being eaten by the "True Knot" still truly scares people in the hearts of today's mainstream audiences. I think some movies have an impact on the movie after watching the trailer (too many details are revealed), so I think the trailer of "Doctor Sleep" will have a slight impact on movie viewing.
Therefore, I suggest that you don't watch the trailer of "Doctor Sleep". You can go directly to the cinema to watch it, so that you can experience the latest first-hand experience.

But I still attach the trailer of "Doctor Sleep" for those who need it ~
Let's go into the theater to look for Easter eggs in "The Ghost Shop"!


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