GPT Store The store is officially launched: the era of everyone building GPT is here! 3 practical cases will help you understand it at once

GPT Store 商店正式上線:人人打造GPT的時代來臨了!—偷偷客

you have heard GPT Store ? The AI version of the App Store launched by OpenAI a while ago is an exciting place. The GPT Store is just like the iPhone App Store. As long as you design a GPT, you can put it on this platform, allowing those interested in AI is a place where curious and passionate people can realize their dreams and showcase their creativity.

Today’s article will teach you step by step what GPT Store is, how to make GPT, and how GPT can make money. Finally, it will give you three examples of GPT to see how powerful they are! Are you ready? Let’s take a look below!

What is GPT Store? Opening up the era of customized AI

GPT Store 商店正式上線:人人打造GPT的時代來臨了!—偷偷客

OpenAI recently launched the AI version of the App Store—— GPT Store, what exactly is GPT Store? You can think of it as an online store for AI applications. It provides a platform that allows users to create, display, and sell GPTs of their own design. Many people liken this platform to OpenAI's "iPhone moment."

You can think of GPT Store as the AI version of the iPhone App Store. For example, you can find the corresponding GPT in the GPT Store for game apps, video editing apps, and tool-type apps that you have previously downloaded in the App Store! Sounds exciting, right?

How to make GPT yourself? Do you need to be able to write programs?

GPT Store 商店正式上線:人人打造GPT的時代來臨了!—偷偷客

Let’s talk about the conclusion first. If you want to do GPT, you don’t need to be able to write programs.

All you have to do is talk to the GPT builder, enter a few sentences, and you're done!

Whether you want to create a programmer, an economic columnist or a personal assistant, you can create it all in just a few sentences.

If you want to know more about how to do GPT, you can refer to this article of mine:What are the GPTs of ChatGPT? GPTs construction, actual functions and process diagram teaching are easy to understand at a glance

However, it should be noted that GPTs is currently only available to paid users and enterprise versions. Whether it is created or used, only the paid version can be used!

Can I make money by making GPT myself? How to put it on GPT Store? How to draw a commission?

Since the launch of GPT Store, everyone has been curious about the profit sharing method of GPT Store and whether it can be monetized? The answer is yes!

OpenAI officialIt was mentioned that they are about to launch a GPT builder income plan in the first quarter, which will first focus on the United States. The income will be determined based on the user's participation in GPT. You can look forward to it in the future!

Three examples of GPT will help you get started quickly and create the content you want within ten minutes.

Finally, let us help you quickly understand what GPT can do through three examples of GPT. Whether it is making interesting videos, designing your own website, or designing flow charts, GPT can help you do it. Come and join us Check out these examples below!

Video Maker: Make short videos with narration

GPT Store 商店正式上線:人人打造GPT的時代來臨了!—偷偷客

You just need to enter the theme of your video, and it will automatically generate a short video for you, but it is linked to your company's website, so you will need to register for the website before you can see the results of the video. I demo a practical case for everyone, this is a topic: "How to buy cheap air tickets", below is the short video he helped me make.

Although it looks very masculine, it is still very powerful!


DesignerGPT: Easily create your own website

GPT Store 商店正式上線:人人打造GPT的時代來臨了!—偷偷客
Simply enter what kind of website you want it to build, whether you want to build a personal website, a technology product website, etc., it will help you build it in just five minutes. I will demo a practical case for you. This is a theme: "Help me make a website for a bakery." Below is the one-page website he helped me make.

How cool! Although its buttons are not yet available, I just gave this command briefly. If you go deeper and give the commands on each page, you can do it step by step.

Diagrams: Show Me: Simple design diagrams, architectural visual flow charts

GPT Store 商店正式上線:人人打造GPT的時代來臨了!—偷偷客

In the past, we might have used some special tools to draw charts and flowcharts, such as Tableau, Excel or Xmind, but now GPT can also draw them directly for you! I will demo a practical case for everyone. This is a theme: "Help me make Google's promotion process chart." The above is the flow chart he helped me make. This flow chart can be downloaded or edited with code to look the way you want!

GPT Store 商店正式上線:人人打造GPT的時代來臨了!—偷偷客

What will the future hold for GPT Store?

GPT Store 商店正式上線:人人打造GPT的時代來臨了!—偷偷客

It’s exciting to see these GPT Stores!

GPT Store is not only the launch of a new product, we are entering an era where creativity meets AI technology. This platform is not just a market, it is a canvas for our imagination. You can build GPT here, and these GPTs may change. What about the way we interact with technology!

Want to learn how to make money by doing GPT? You can refer to this article of mine:What are the GPTs of ChatGPT? GPTs construction, actual functions and process diagram teaching are easy to understand at a glance


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