"Freak" movie review - Redefining the freak in love, big guesses about the ending!

《怪胎》影評- 重新定義愛情中的怪胎,結局大猜測!

"Freak" movie review - Redefining the freak in love, big guesses about the ending!

Resource: Open Eyes

🎬Freak I WeirDo
Secret Score: 9⃣/10
Film length: 1hr 40min


This is Asia's first film shot on an iPhone and the first feature film by Liao Mingyi, who directed "The Girl We Chased Together" and "Six Lane Cafe". Lin Baihong and Xie Xinying play the roles of a man and woman with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). They met and dated because of OCD, but also drifted apart because of OCD...

What kind of people are suitable to watch this movie?

👉I like you who have centered aesthetics
👉You’ve had enough of Chinese movies with little love and love?
👉You are confused about today’s concept of love

"When you love, those shortcomings of the other person are all advantages. When you don't love, those shortcomings will become fatal wounds."

No thunder movie review

The box office is hot on the heels of "Train 2: Infectious Peninsula" and has only been released for a week. How does "Freak" find its way into being weird and cute among recent movies?

Three simple points explain why I like geeks so much:
1. Centralized aesthetics and bright colors hit me
2. An unconventional love story
3. It makes people reflect on whether the current view of emotions is too weak

I highly recommend everyone to watch "Freak" in the cinema, not only because it stands out in Hollywood blockbusters, but the love it talks about is not the usual small love, "Freak" is packaged in the form of obsessive-compulsive disorder And it tells us that if we are only together because of a small common ground in the beginning, in the end we may no longer be connected because of the disappearance of this common ground.

When the thing that defines us disappears, we will always panic to find another thing that can define ourselves, even though that may make the party who insists on this value feel very hurt.

I guess that’s what Freaks is trying to tell us.

Although as time goes by, we always have to constantly redefine our position, and we also have to include our lovers.

— — — There is thunder below — — —

OCD is just a form, everyone has their own sense of ritual

"Freak" uses obsessive-compulsive disorder (or OCD) as the main theme of everything. Simply put, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder will maintain certain standards for specific things. If they do not meet them, they will be very anxious. For example, they will always feel that their hands are If you don't wash your hands thoroughly, you will keep washing your hands over and over again.

The plot of "Freaks" is very simple and concise, with self-awarenessAfter people who have rare things in common meet and fall in love, after the common ground disappears, they can never regain the previous feeling.The plot describes that after Bai Qing, who has OCD, met Chen Jing, who also had OCD, they seemed to have met a fellow traveler and fell in love like a whirlwind. But after Bai Qing's OCD disappeared, the distance between Bai Qing and Chen Jing became farther and farther. They blindly dated because of this common ground, and all their activities were also based on this common ground - but when the common ground disappeared, they still What's left?

There is nothing that can connect them to each other anymore. The little special differences that belong to them are like breaking at the touch of a finger, turning into pieces and slowly disappearing.

But as far as I'm concerned, although OCD is used as the main plot advancement, "Freaks" itself wants to illustrate: "It is impossible for people to change." OCD is the common denominator of people's conscious rarity in the story. In real life, we also have manySimilarities in self-perceived rarity.

It may be small behaviors (we both like to neatly fold leftover snack packages), environment (we both went to the same high school) or values (we both want to be backpackers and travel to South America) etc.

When the thing that jointly defines us disappears, we will always panic to find another thing that can define ourselves, even though that may make the party who insists on this value feel very hurt...

Just like the couple Bai Qing and Chen Jing in "Freaks" are jointly defined on the basis of OCD, but when one of them can no longer be defined by OCD, Bai Qing begins to look for other things that can define himself, such as "Normal work" or "normal dating partner", etc., although I did not intend to hurt Chen Jing, such unconscious self-definition did hurt her.

The ending of "Freaks"? Love again in parallel time and space?

There are different opinions on the ending of "Freak". My feeling after watching it is: Chen Jing did swallow sleeping pills and died, and the scene where she woke up at the end just made her experience Bai Qing's thoughts again after death. , such as speaking the same lines from her perspective, etc. (I really like the scene where Chen Jing falls into bed and pays homage to Trainspotting😍) In the process of re-experience, I also put myself in another perspective and understood that Bai Qing was reluctant to make a promise from the beginning. In the end, it was because he didn’t have it. The chosen ones distinguish each other.

but! After the screening, director Liao Mingyi also briefly mentioned that the ending is related to "Gecko" and "Polaroid". People can't help but wonder whether the Polaroid washed out at the end is actually the one taken at the beginning of the relationship.Chen Jing had anticipated this possible outcome on the day of the relationship, so she had the final sentence: "Is it time to end it? Before I do anything to hurt him."

What do you think the ending will be?

Secretly recommended time

Centered aesthetics, bright colors and rigorous composition all contribute to "Freak"

"Freak" is not only the first movie shot on iPhone in Taiwan, but also the first in Asia. Director Liao Mingyi is also a screenwriter, photographer and editor, so the audience can feel the overall smoothness of "Freak".

I want to talk about something special hereCentering aesthetics, using Wes Anderson's movie to explain it, everyone should be able to more easily understand what the centered aesthetics of "Freak" will be like.

Most people have heard of the movie "Welcome to the Grand Budapest Hotel". Director Wes Anderson's famous center-centered aesthetics can be said to express a unique style in the film industry. He adheres to the golden ratio composition, and the main vision of each picture must be aligned with the center of the picture.

The director chose to use changing screen sizes to present the progression of OCD in "Freaks" and the progression of OCD recovery - when Bai Qing still had OCD, the screen was 1:1, and such a golden ratio depicts obsessive-compulsive disorder. The world you see must be perfect. After the Bai Qing OCD disappeared, the screen image changed from 1:1 back to the original size that everyone is accustomed to. This method is very interesting and allows everyone to increase their attention distribution when switching between the two sizes.

(The 1:1 movie screen has also appeared in other movies. Next time I will introduce to you my favorite "Dear Mommy", which was also shot in this way.)

Do you like this shooting method?


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