Clown - After the show is over, we don’t have to pretend anymore


Clown - After the show is over, we don’t have to pretend anymore

Resource: IMDB

🏆IMDB 9.0/10 🏆Rotten Tomatoes 68%
Secret Score: 9⃣/10

"The most painful thing about mental illness is that others always want them to pretend they are normal."

💡What kind of people are suitable to watch this movie?
👉People who have never watched any Marvel or DC works can also watch it
👉You who can accept heavy style movies
👉You are dissatisfied with the "double standards" in the world

Arthur Fleck (played by Joaquin Phoenix), who lives at the bottom of society, is determined to bring joy to the world, but unfortunately, Arthur is frustrated and fails every time he performs. After he experienced setbacks again and again, he gradually revealed his inner self in a corrupt manner.

No thunder summary

Overall, I highly recommend everyone to watch "Joker".
One thing in particular: this is not a cool movie full of fighting scenes as you might imagine. It is a relatively heavy movie.
Don’t you know about the Marvel and DC universes? It doesn't matter! You can think of it as a prequel, as understanding the Joker's journey.

The whole movie does not prevent you from experiencing the clown's life in depth just because you have not seen the previous works.

Note that: Watching Joaquin Phoenix’s acting skills is actually worth the price of admission😆

Comedians, morality, and issues of right and wrong have always been subject to double standards. Is our subjectivity defined by mainstream people? "Joker" follows the plot of Gotham City to let everyone see clearly how we treat those people in real life. "People we pretend not to see but really exist." Under such invisible and tangible oppression from the public, will more Jokers be created?

Seriously, do we really care?

Or are we just like those people in the movie who pretend to be noble and "try to give the people at the bottom some self-esteem"?

There is thunder below

Did you not see it, or did you choose not to see it?

"Joker" realistically depicts people struggling at the bottom of society. It can be said that the image of Gotham City looks particularly bad, but in our real life, it is just an enlarged version of us. In fact, so are we.

Those products of capitalism, those at the bottom who can be contacted on the streets, online, or anytime and anywhere. Do we really treat those who really need care with "self-righteous pity"?

The scene in the movie that shocked me was that the people rioting and protesting outside VS the people admiring Chaplin in the building were so clearly divided, it was like people from two different worlds!

Just as the differences in social class are strongly reflected in movies, they are even more obvious under the barriers.
Under such circumstances, if the riots had not been so intense, would those with high social and economic status have paid attention to the voices of the people at the bottom? Or are they just going along with the show?

Did they not see it, or did they choose not to see it?

subjective? Or is this just us being pushed along by the tide of mainstream society?

The story line is easy to understand. Arthur was treated badly in childhood, was looked down upon by everyone due to illness, and was even beaten. Until the stacking of emotions discovered the origin of all the results, and then he accidentally shot everyone who was not good to him. . (Some people say that this kind of plot is too flat, but I think it’s okay. The images should be piled up layer by layer like this.)

I really admire Joaquin Phoenix for playing the role of the Joker very vividly! !
In addition to vividly portraying his illness, you will experience his different emotional changes in every detail in the movie. In addition, we can also peel off clues from the plot. What is reality or fiction?

I also like what Arthur said on the show about the way society views events. How are those subjective thoughts determined? Will I decide what to do just because mainstream society decides this way?
In real life, we all can think about whether we often decide what to do because of the eyes of others. Does everyone wear a "mainstream mask" and are unwilling to reveal their true self?

But after the release of "Joker", the American authorities were afraid that copycat murderers would appear. We can discuss it in conjunction with "A Clockwork Orange" because he wasIt also forms a hurricane of imitators..

Take "A Clockwork Orange" as an example, his aesthetics formed by pure violence,Some people may be attracted by the "elegance" created by the movie, and then thought that such behavior could be carried out, that's why a bunch of imitators appeared at that time. Taking "Joker" as an example, in today's society,People like to use behavior to shape their social image, then the plot of "Joker" is very likely to make people imitate him and make actions that "can become a hero" because the protagonist accidentally becomes a hero.

I really like the last song, attached is Frank Sinatra's 'That's life'

I said, that's life (that's life) and as funny as it may seem
Some people get their kicks
Stompin' on a dream
But I don't let it, let it get me down
'Cause this fine old world it keeps spinnin' around

Finally, the trailer for Joker is also attached.
If you are interested in watching, you can take advantage of the National Day holiday to reserve a seat😄


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