P&G Baoqiao interview experience sharing | Sharing of preparation experience for 8 classic questions of foreign businessmen

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P&G Baoqiao interview experience sharing | Sharing preparation experience of eight classic questions for foreign businessmen

This year 2021, due to the epidemic, it has become more difficult for many fresh graduates or people who have changed jobs to find a job. In such a difficult job search situation, I was shocked to get an interview with P&G. My hands were shaking when I received the email XDD

Because P&G is a dream company for many marketers in the FMCG industry. In the past, it mainly accepted students from Taiwanese politics or returnees from overseas. Getting the interview opportunity already made me feel as if I was recognized to a certain extent hahaha. I am also very grateful to P&G for giving me such an opportunity to enter the interview stage and learn more about P&G's culture and positions. Although I received a thank you letter recently, I still hope to pass on my experience and help those in need~

P&G Baoqiao interview process

  1. Submit your resume online: Basically, you can go directly to the P&G Career official website to find the job vacancies you are interested in. Usually they are not announced in the job bank. However, I saw P&G’s Digital & Social Specialist job vacancy on LinkedIn.
  2. Online test: It is divided into aptitude test and logic test. The aptitude test is mainly to test your methods and characteristics of doing things at work. For the logic test, you can go to Youtube or read more articles. Many people have shared what will be tested at each level. Personally, I think you just need to practice more~
  3. One session: Interview with supervisor, about 1 hour, both in Chinese and English
  4. Because I failed at the first level, the interview will ask about one or two more levels. If anyone else can pass the next level, I can help share the follow-up information >

P&G Baoqiao Interview Scoring Criteria

Regarding the five abilities that applicants will focus on, P&G recommends that you highlight your relevance to these five abilities during the interview.

  1. leader:Lead with Courage
  2. innovator:Innovate for growth
  3. Efficient person:Champion productivity
  4. achiever:Execute with Excellence
  5. collaborator:Bring out our best

P&G Baoqiao’s eight classic interview questions and the motivations behind them

P&G Baoqiao’s eight classic interview questions and P&G’s motivations behind asking these questions. I would like to thank our friends from Chengdu University. Eddie Chen Without further ado, share with me the insights mentioned by the P&G supervisor in past recruitment meetings~ But during my own interview, not all the eight questions were asked.The ones with an asterisk ⭐️ in front are the questions I was asked during the interview. For your reference, these questions may be more important when interviewing for marketing-related positions.However, it is recommended that everyone prepares everything to be more complete!

⭐️Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.(Please give an example of how you set a difficult goal and how you achieved it)

  • Motivation behind the question: Setting goals tells you a lot about youExpectations for future positioning, the process of achieving the goal can be seenYour planning and execution skills

⭐️Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. (Please give an example of how you lead a team, assign important tasks to the team, and lead the team to achieve the desired results)

  • Motivation behind the question: Understanding personalLeadership and decision-making skills, as well as ambition

⭐️Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others. (Please give an example of how you used effective facts or words to persuade others)

  • Motivation behind the question: Getting to know the individualcharacteras well asCommunication and persuasion skills

⭐️Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result. (Please give an example of how you have effectively worked as a team with people to achieve important results)

  • Motivation behind the question: UnderstandTeamwork experience and methods,as well asAbility to handle disagreements when encountering

Describe a situation where you had seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results. (Please give an example of how you found relevant information, defined key issues and decided what steps to take to achieve the desired results)

  • Motivation behind the question: Understanding personalAnalytical and decision-making skills, the completion degree and expectations of the plan can be seenPersonal abilities and attitudes

⭐️Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project. (Please give an example of an innovative idea you generated and how it made a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project)

  • Motivation behind the question: Understanding personalCreativity, to see how you go from conceiving this idea to being accepted and implemented by others

Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.(Please give an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved a good outcome by focusing on the most important priorities)

  • Motivation behind the question: Getting to know the individualAbility to analyze and identify problems, while testing how you reasonably assess and predict future risks, and how you subsequently resolve these dilemmas.

⭐️Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application. (Please give an example of how you acquired skills and translated them into practical applications.)

  • Motivation behind the question: Understanding personalself-study ability, including how to plan your own ability development, whether there is any practical application after learning new knowledge or skills, etc.

P&G Interview Job Introduction

The job position I applied for was Digital & Social Specialist — Sales Function, which required at least three years of social media experience, so I was shocked to get the interview opportunity XD

Main work content:

  1. Social Insight, Content & Influencer Planning Social insights content and KOL planning
  2. Social Media Planning and Execution Social Media Planning and Execution
  3. Customer Differentiation Customer Differentiation
  4. Organization Capability Building Organization Capability Building

See more about me:https://tobiehuang.com/about-me-tobie/

P&G Baoqiao interview questions

It is mainly for resume inquiries, both in Chinese and English, and will use the eight-question method.You need to be very, very familiar with your resume, and it will be best to support it with data. P&G will inquire deeply about the motivation, process and results of each experience.

How will P&G inquire further?

For example: When I was describing the challenges of my past internship, I had to execute a live sales program in just two weeks. I needed to properly arrange all resources, find suitable KOLs, coordinate product exposure with manufacturers, etc.

At that time, the P&G director continued to ask questions from various aspects, such as can you specify the most challenging part? KOL’s arrangement budget? Did the director of the live broadcast team and relevant units make relevant comments on the results of this project at that time? Waiting for similar questions. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone prepareThe motivation, process, and outcome of each experienceYou can think about it from all aspects.

The P&G interview questions are as follows. They will be asked in both Chinese and English, but they will also be asked carefully in accordance with the above eight questions:

  1. Self introduction
  2. Why do you want to take this position?
  3. What past leadership experience do you have?
  4. Please tell us about your past experiences with disagreements and conflicts?
  5. What challenges did you encounter during your internship?
  6. Why do you want to come to FMCG?
  7. Which marketing case of FMCG are you more interested in?
  8. Are you interested in the company's brand management?
  9. Future career development

If you want to know more about P&G’s interview skills, you can go to P&G’s official website to check: [How Can I Have A Successful Interview With P&G?] (https://www.pgcareers.com/global/en/blogarticle/interview-tips)

Want to know more about how to create a self-introduction briefing? Please refer to this article:Complete Guide to Interview Briefings: Practical Self-Introduction Briefing Examples + Techniques Revealed

More P&G vacancies

Basically, you can go directly to the P&G Career official website to find the job vacancies you are interested in. P&G job vacancies are usually not announced on the job bank. I saw P&G’s current job openings on LinkedIn, so you can go there often. Let’s take a look around LinkedIn~

  • [P&G career](https://www.pgcareers.com/global/en "P&G career") official website
  • P&G [fb](https://www.facebook.com/pgtw.recruit/ "fb")/ [ig](https://www.instagram.com/pgcareerstaiwan/?hl=en "ig") Channel
  • [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/company/procter-and-gamble "Linkedin") P&G

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